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Sunday, June 23, 2024

6 Rules for College Ministry Promo Ryan Scantling

 1. Always spell out Baptist Collegiate Ministry because most don't know what BCM is.  Spelling it out is helpful for those Baptist students looking for us.

2.  As often as I can, I put topics of messages on our handouts so that folks know what we will be talking about.  Students sign up for classes based on subjects of interest; I think they will sometimes come to our services for the same reason.

3.  Include pictures that everyone can identify with.  Students will internally ask:  Is there someone there who looks like me who goes there?

4.  I highlight the non-spiritual events as much as our worship services.  I want folks to know that we have fun by doing crawfish boils, going on trips, etc, and don't just sit in circles reading the Bible. (Both are important so emphasize both.)

5.  I avoid using Christian jargon or insider language.

6.  I try to make the material with the person giving it out in mind.  I want any student in my ministry to be able to take it and pass it to their friend without having to explain everything it says.  I want it to help their outreach, not hurt it.

Ryan Scantling is Baptist Collegiate Minister at the University of Arkansas.

Arliss Dickerson's book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, faith & Good Grades, is available at and A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity available at

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