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Thursday, September 19, 2024

College Ministry Position Available and Percentage of Students Reached at One Campus


College Ministry Position:  There is an opening for a BSU College Minister at the University of Central Missouri at Warrensburg.  This is a campus of 12,000 students with a BSU Center.  Jerome Stockert has been serving there and within the last month he has been named as the Director of College Ministry for Missouri.  You can go to Jerome's Facebook page to see more detailed information about the position.

Percentage of Students Being Reached:  I said in the introduction of my little book, Reaching MORE College Students, that national leaders of college ministry generally believe that across all campuses in America counting campus based and church based college ministries that about 6% of the total U. S. college student population is connected in some way to one of these ministries.  Obviously, that figure varies from campus to campus and regions of the country.

John James, College Minister at Fredonia Hill Baptist Church in Nacogdoches, Texas ministers to the Stephen F. Austin campus and he believes that the different ministries there are reaching about 13% of the total student population.  He indicates that he believes about 60 to 80% have a church background.

What percentage of students at your campus are connected to all the campus ministries combined?

I would love to hear from you.  How many on YOUR campus are connected to a ministry?

Arliss Dickerson's book, A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity, is available at and Reaching MORE College Students is at

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