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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

College Ministers to Lead Pastors

With the news that two well known Campus based Baptist College Ministers are transitioning to a Lead Pastor role, it is a reminder of a shift in how College Ministers operate and how expectations have changed.

In the past, when a College Minister went to a church, it was to be the Executive Pastor, Minister of Education, or Discipleship Pastor, etc.  Now, it is more common to hear this announcement of "Our new Lead Pastor is a former College Minister."  

One reason for this shift is in recent years is, many of those who hire College Ministers want someone who is an upfront speaker.  In past years, that was not the case.  Several years ago, some would say a College Minister was not doing their job, if they were up front.  They were to be training and putting students in up front roles.  So, College Ministers now work at and try to be good up front speakers.  It is one of the expectations.  It has gone from a negative to a frequent expectation.

Also, as churches struggle to reach young adults these days, why not get a pastor that is an expert with experience in reaching young adults?  Of course, there is always the question of whether the church will want to do some of the things that are needed to connect with young adults.  Several years ago, a College Minister was known for being a great speaker and speaking at large young adult events.  A big First Church contacted him and indicated they wanted him to be their Lead Pastor, but they would need him to make some not wearing jeans all the time.  His response was great, "You don't want me then." 

Another deep down issue here, that may be a part of the equation, in at least some situations, is a concern among many College Ministers about the future of college ministry.  Will they have jobs in the future?  Or, are they going to continually be asked to do the same or more with less? Those in Baptist life can point to many places where cuts have been made in college ministry due to declining offerings.  There is concern about the future.

I am not going to say anything about Lead Pastors making two or three times as much as a College Minister.  Large college ministries are usually led by long time, proven college ministry veterans and if we want large college ministries, we must pay salaries that make it possible for College Ministers to stay long term and provide braces for teeth and college tuition for their own kids.

The College Ministers I know that have transitioned to Lead Pastor roles have all been deeply committed and I have no doubt about their sense of God's leadership and direction in their decision. And, why wouldn't a church hire some of the hardest working, most creative people in the world.

  And this trend may be one of the ways God is going to redeem this generation to His church.

"See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."  Isaiah 43:19

Arliss Dickerson's book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades, is available at and   A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula is at

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