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Sunday, September 22, 2024

UPDATED: 10 Things that Affect College Ministry Attendance

 Everybody in college ministry wants to reach as many students as possible for an initial relationship to Christ or to continue and grow in that experience.  

So, what are some things that affect attendance?

1.  Student Leaders - The abilities, commitment, and training of student leaders is a huge factor in how many students are reached.  Do they know what to do and how to do it?  Are they willing to invest in and reach out to new students?

2.  What other ministries on campus or relating to the campus are doing?  On some campuses there is only one really strong and functioning Christian ministry.  On other campuses there are multiple ministries that are serious about reaching out to students and that affects the number of Christian student leaders available and just how many students are available.  When there are multiple active ministries, it is even more imperative that a clear and workable strategy be central to all that is done.  What students are other ministries reaching?  Where are the unreached groups?

3.  Meeting Place - Where the ministries meets can be huge in terms of accessibility, attractiveness, how many it will accommodate and is it in the same place each week.  Many ministries must use school meeting rooms and often are forced to move around each week. Obviously, that is never a plus.  If the meeting space is yours, is it as attractive, student friendly, and functional as possible?

4. Momentum/Past History - When things are going well, they tend to continue to go well.  A ministry that has a strong and positive reputation is more likely to continue to do well.  When a ministry has a long term reputation for doing well, others recommend it.  Student leaders have seen it done well in the past and tend to emulate what they have seen.  Resources are more readily available to the ministries with a strong past history.

5.  Resources - Having the money to do attractive start of school events involving food, give aways, etc obviously is a positive factor.  It is much easier for involved students to invite others to events where there is food, etc.  Money does not make a ministry, but it can have a significant impact by what can and cannot be done.

6.  Quality, Time & Day of the large group event - A large group worship event does not have to be perfect or a "Hollywood Production" to be well done. Any event can be well planned and organized.  The schedule of a college campus changes from semester to semester.  Is your event at a time that is free for a significant number of students.  Does it start on time and end on time?  Is the message applicable to the students?  Is it addressing their needs and concerns?  Is the Christian message presented in a way that connects to the students?

7.  Follow-up - When a student comes for the first time, does someone connect with them to let them know they were welcome?  Are they a Believer?  The sooner a follow-up contact is made the better that is.

8.  Personality & Tenure of the College Minister - God uses our individual personalities.  Each College Minister must make sure they are maxing their personal gifts.  Most larger ministries are led by long term College Ministers because they know the ends and out of that campus, each year builds on the past, and their tenure opens many doors for the ministry.

Ryan Scantling, former BCM Campus Minister at the University of Arkansas, suggested these two excellent additions and reminders:

9.  Time of Year - If you expect the same attendance late Spring as you do in early fall, you will set yourself up for disappointment.

10.  Enrollment is a Huge Factor - When the school shrinks by 10%, the number of reachable students decreases.  I also had to  remind myself that I wasn't doing a much better job when crowds increased because the school was growing.  There were just way more students looking to connect.

Questions for YOU to Ask in Regard to Your Attendance:

1.  Am I or the speaker prepared each week and speaking to a student need?

2.  Is my meeting space as attractive (clean) and functional as possible?

3.  What can I do to make sure students feel welcome when they come?

4.  Do our student leaders know what to do, see how crucial they are and feel appreciated?

A Limited Time Opportunity:  Several of my college ministry books available at Amazon Books have been marked down to Amazon's lowest possible price for the next few days ranging from $9.85 to $5.75.  They can be accessed here:

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