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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

6 Ways to be a More Effective College Minister

 I am sometimes struck by how good some College Ministers are with students and yet their ministry is not nearly as effective overall as you would anticipate.  Often, it comes down to a poor balance between being relational and task oriented.  I believe if our ministry is to be all the Lord and we would have it to be, we MUST be and do relational and accomplish tasks in an efficient way.

I once heard a person who worked for a national denomination entity asked to describe the College Ministers she knew.  Her main description was, "Unorganized."  I was insulted.....Yet, in many cases I knew she was correct.

So, how can we be more organized or effective?

1.  At the end of the day quickly jot down 2 or 3 things that need to be done the next day.  It may be something that just came up, something that did not get done that day, etc.  Then, when you start to work the next day, you don't fall prey to just doing what pops up first thing that might not be as important.  With those 2 or 3 things jotted down the day before, you have started with a small plan.

2.  Don't read email or Facebook messages before 10:30 a.m.  They can often deter you from the plan you already had for that day.  This allows you to have already accomplished some key things that day before new issues confront you.  Don't ignore messages, but don't let them run your schedule totally.  Your boss knows your phone number, if there is something pressing.

3.  Respond to EVERY email that is not junk mail.  It does not have to be a long intensive response.  An appropriate response  can and often is, "OK" or "Got it" or "Thanks".  That way they know you got the message and that the information has been transferred and received.  The only emails I try not to respond to are those where my response would be negative or argumentative.  Those are often better left alone.

4.  Don't spend so much time tweeting and retweeting about your ministry and other ministries that you are not doing your ministry.  I know the world is breathlessly awaiting your next wise comment on twitter or forwarded tweet.....but cool it.

5.  Remember that some tasks can be started or laid out and then handed over to someone else.  You can become the bottleneck to your own ministry.

6. Have a certain day, morning or afternoon that you do certain on-going tasks or responsibilities.  I once served as  Chair of a national committee that had some on-going responsibilities, calls to make, etc.  I made Tuesday morning the day those got done.  That was freeing.  When one of those issues or tasks came up, I put it in my Tuesday folder, unless it required an immediate response. I did not feel guilty because I knew it would get done.  And, it got done and not just laid on my desk and was forgotten about.

Wonder what word others would use to describe you?

Several of Arliss' books (Fixing a Broken College Ministry; Reaching MORE College Students; A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula and Almost Everything About College Ministry) are on sale at Amazon Books at their lowest allowed price for a limited time.  You can check here:,

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