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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Is Your College Ministry Promotional Material TOO Religious????

 It is that time of year when you are handing out promotional material at Summer Orientations or you are thinking about what to do to send later in the summer or have when school starts  

Let's get honest.....who does your material appeal to?  I see some that looks like it was written to pastors or parents.  Or others, look like it would only connect with super serious Christian students.

Here is the problem:  We know that a bunch of high school students active in churches have stopped being a regular about their sophomore or junior year.  And, we know that lots of students coming to your college are not believers.

So, don't sell out on who you are or do a Bait and Switch....BUT, we know that most freshmen come to college looking for friends and fun.  Does your material look like they could possibly find friends and fun at your ministry?

Since many do not get a religious preference list from schools any more, connecting is more difficult than ever.  I am a proponent of professionally printed posters with LOTS of pictures.  Pictures tell stories and answer lots of questions. Tell about your Bible study groups and your large group worship AND show some pictures that show there all kinds of normal looking college students there…..actually having a good time  

Posters can be stuck all over campus on bulletin boards in classrooms, in places where students hang out, etc.  They can even be texted to students...sure they can.  I met a freshman girl once who blushed when I introduced myself.  She said, "I saw your picture on a poster in a bathroom stall this morning.  I got on an elevator once and saw where someone had just spit on my picture on the poster.  Attractive posters get noticed.  Pay to get it designed professionally or turn some of your super creative, tech savvy students loose on doing it. I do suggest you have input and final approval.

But, here is the more important message:  Make sure whatever you are handing out or hanging up appeals to a wide variety of students......AFTERALL, isn't that who you are trying to reach?  Don't sell out, don't be Bait and who and what you are, but do it in a way that just might....just might get noticed and responded to by a whole bunch of students who might not come to campus planning to hook up with your ministry first thing.

I know....I'm not spiritual enough.

Arliss Dickerson's book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades is available at College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity is at

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