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Sunday, August 4, 2024

What do you do all Day?......100 Tasks of a Campus Minister by Tyler Hoffpauir

 All of us have been asked, "What do you do all day?"  Or, "is that a full time job?"  Tyler Hoffpauir gave an answer.

1.  Pray for God to move on your campus.

2.  Set up a meeting with chancellor or other administrators to build rapport and ask how you can help the school.

3.  Build/maintain relationships with area pastors/churches.

4.  Prepare messages for weekly campus ministry meeting.

5.  Train volunteer student leaders.

6.  Find and Recruit staff.

7.  Interview new student leaders for next year.

8.  Hire staff and do all the paperwork.

9.  Clean the building.

10. Recruit freshmen at Orientations (there could be 5 to 20).

11.  Enlist churches to serve meals at weekly meeting.

12.  Create a tee shirt design for the fall.

13.  Order some promo material like stickers, banners, buttons, table cloths, back drops.

14.  Prepare a couple of training talks for your student leader team.

15.  Speak for a week at an associational camp.

16.  Mentor younger campus ministers on nearby campuses.

17.  Prepare the agenda and run the weekly staff meeting.

18.  Help a student who just walked in with his pornography addiction.

19. Redo Bible study rooms this summer.

20.  Get a band and speaker for your fall retreat.

21.  Spend a few hours accounting for your monthly expenses.

22.  Hold 5 plus one-on-one meetings with students per week for leadership, discipleship, evangelism to new student you met on campus or who were guests at your weekly meeting.

23.  Ooops the sink is broken, gotta YouTube that or call the plumber.

24. Plan the next great monthly event for your ministry, order supplies, cook food, decorate, etc.

25.  Stop by your ministry's weekly outreach table on campus to meet someone new and encourage your volunteers.

26.  Write notes/mail to incoming freshmen.

27.  Prepare and send out an alumni newsletter to help alumni stay connected and pray some will become donors.

28.  Have lunch with the new Youth Minister in town.

29.  Prepare for your discipleships group or class that meets every week.

30.  Host a weekly or biweekly leadership team meeting.

31.  Organize and execute 5-10 Welcome Week events.

32.  Follow up with all those new students from Welcome Week.

33  Host senior preview night.

34.  Plan ministry, lodging, transportation, meals, etc for your upcoming mission trip.

35.  Host the person/group who is at your weekly meeting to recruit for summer camp or other summer missions projects.

36.  Attend 2-5 associational meetings and gve a report about your ministry.

37.  Plan your weekly worship service songs, activities, testimonies and games with your student leaders.

38.   Talk to the student that is ready to quit school or your leadership tea,/

39.  Attend the state convention annual meeting and encourage a pastor or two by taking them to lunch.

40.  Turn in next year's budget.

41.  Supply preach one Sunday per month to help out area churches.

42.  Give an alumni, pastor or incoming freshmen a tour of your building or the campus whenever they stop by.

43.  Pay the bills.

44.  Send thank you notes to donors.

45.  Look through the list of building rental requests and approve or deny.

46.  Trim the bushes in the flower bed.

47.  Organize coffee and prayer with other denominational campus ministers to build a kingdom mindset.

48.  Serve the band/greek life/rugby team, etc with a meal or snack.

49.  Renew your registered student organization status on campus.

50.  Speak to a local youth group this Wednesday night.

51.  Post about every ministry event on social media and then post pictures afterward.

52.  Fix the hole in the wall a student made last week.

53.  Walk across the campus and meet some new students you could evangelize to or invite to be involved.

54.  Check in with your volunteer coordinator to make sure we have people to greet, check-in, serve.

55.  Come up with a game for Freshmen Night.

56.  Outline next semester's teaching plan.

57  A freshman just walked in and has 3 tough theological questions they have been wrestling with for months but need answered right now.

58.  Send out a report to all your churches and associations that support you financially.

59.  Be a good example to your students by attending your own church and volunteering there.

60.  Find a new faculty advisor.

61.  Attend state-wide campus minister's staff meeting zoom once per month.

62.  Complete your annual evaluation with your supervisor.

63.  Find and reserve vans for your next mission trip.

64.  Have a training with students on how to evangelize.

65.  Organize an appreciation banquet for your volunteer team.

66.  Hold a weekly or biweekly event to reach out to international students.

67.  Email every youth minister within a 2 hour radius asking for contact info on incoming freshmen.

68.  Mentor your staff and top leaders through weekly meetings.

69.  Start a ministry on a nearby community college campus.

70.  Meet with and encourage a struggling pastor or youth pastor.

71.  Hype your next retreat or trip and follow up with those that have not paid.

72.Find individuals or churches that will scholarship students for their mission trip.

73.  A girl just walked in that broke up with her boyfriend and is in crisis.

74. Make tea for 100 people who coming to your event tonight.

75.  Organize the intramural sports sign up and attend a game to let your students know you care.

76.  Order a new microphone for worship because a student accidentally broke the last one.

77.  Order more toilet paper and paper plates.

78.  Organize volunteers to take international students to the airport to travel for the holidays.

79.  Turn in your month ministry reports to your supervisors.

80.  Text all your students to see how you can pray for them and remind them that you care.

81.  Order gifts and hand write notes for graduating seniors.

82.  Print handouts for a weekly meeting.

83.  Get more ink, paper, & office supplies.

84.  Run to Sam's to get food for the next event.

85.  Check in with your local church-based college ministers.

86.  Send out invitations for your freshmen leadership team.

87.  Organize a local service project and promote to your students.

88.  Talk to a local church about 2-3 students that can be their next youth or music minister.

89.  Write several references for students applying for institutional scholarships or jobs.

90.  Send your band to a church for a special music night.

91.  Perform the weddings of several of your students each year.

92.  Speak at another summer camp or DNow weekend.

93.  Attend the weekly associational pastor's coffee or breakfast to hang out with pastors and keep them informed about your ministry.

94.  Host the group of alumni or associational volunteers who will do a little work on your building.

95.  Redo your website to have all the latest info about your events and take payments.

96.  Meet with school officials to renew your land or building lease.

97.  Redo the photos in your building because students have graduated.

98.  Replan your events because the school scheduled a major event or sporting event during your event.

99.  Talk to your inside man or woman at the housing office about your leaders moving in early or mission trip students being able to stay over the break.

100.  Dream and pray about the next big move for your ministry and cast that vision to your staff and student leaders.

Many of these tasks I am fortunate enough to be able to delegate to other folks.

Tyler Hoffpauir, Baptist Campus Minister, Arkansas State University

Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula, is available at and A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity is available at

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