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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Some College Ministry Truths and Reminders

Nothing will affect the ministry more than who the College Minister is as a person.

A college ministry is about leading college students to the Lord and growing students in that relationship.  Anything different is just a club.  But, that does not mean it cannot and should not have fun events and just plain encouragement.

What do YOU do best?  What are the gifts God has placed in your life?  Are those gifts being given the time and priority in your weekly schedule to benefit the ministry?

The more people who know the College Minister on campus, the more it will benefit the ministry.  Walk across the campus and through the student center every day.

Never forget that sometimes the custodian or administrative assistant is the one who "holds the keys."

Your priorities will show in the ministry.  The longer the College Minister leads the ministry, the more it will be a reflection of him or her.

Spend wisely extravagantly at the start of the semester.

One of the killers of College Ministers is feeling alone and that no one else cares.  College Ministers need friends other than students and family.

Every campus is unique.  What is unique to your campus?  Is it a minus or can it be a plus?

The most destructive thing to having and developing student leaders is putting them into a role they are not prepared to handle.

If the most transformative thing we can do is to meet with students individually, that must be a priority in the allocation of our time.

We must see as one of our most important tasks the raising up of godly lay leaders and vocational ministers for the future church.

Act your age!

There are pluses to every age or season and there are minuses to every age or season.  Play to the strengths of your age and allow others to mitigate the weaker areas.

Do not compare yourself or your ministry to the hot new College Minister or "It Ministry".

There is a difference in presiding at a meeting and leading a meeting.

When the College Minister's family is happy and well cared for, the College Minister is likely to be happy and semi-sane.  Don't lose your marriage or family while doing ministry.

No College Minister is too good or too important to not mop or sweep, if that is what is needed.

Affirm the gifts and potential you see in students.  Many students have never had anyone tell them how capable they are and what their life potential is.

Many students carry a sense of guilt about some past behavior.  If that is true with a student, help them sense and accept God's forgiveness.

Students go where they are valued.

Believe and act on the fact that God is always doing more than you know.

Adapted from Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula.  Check it out at


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