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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

My College Ministry is Small, so I CAN"T.........

 It is easy to focus on what you cannot do, if your college ministry is small or you have just taken over and school is just around the corner.

It can go like this, My College Ministry is small and I can't...

-Do big events.

-Have a Back-2-School Retreat.

-Have a big welcome event with free food.

-Have a specialized freshman ministry

- You can fill in the blank.

HERE is what you CAN Do....and I would definitely do.

Do a freshmen Bible Study Group.  Find 3 or 4 freshmen that would like to be in a Bible Study Group and find a time that works for them,   If you connect to some more freshmen two or three weeks later, start another one. But, do AT LEAST ONE.

3 Things I would suggest:

1.  Make it highly relational.  Talk, laugh, help them to get to know each other.  Have a fun ice breaker or question each time.

2.  Make sure it is topics or scripture that relates to some of their issues and questions.

3.  Only go for six or seven weeks.  The longer it goes, the more likely freshmen will drop out due to the increasing pressure of papers, big tests, etc. Make sure they finish with a sense of accomplishment and wanting to do another study next semester.  It is always better for them to complain they wish it had gone longer.

Don't focus on what you CANNOT do....focus on doing what you can!  AND, one thing anyone can do is at least ONE FRESHMEN group.  Do it! You are building for the future  

Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula, is available at and A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity is at

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