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Saturday, July 6, 2024

What is the WORST MISTAKE Parents of College Freshmen Can Make?

 From my 40 years on college campuses, my number one nomination for worst mistake parents of a freshman can make is,

Either allowing or placing them in an apartment or house away from campus.

Why do I say that?

-A majority of desperate calls I have gotten from parents during the first 2-3 weeks of school has been to go see a freshman living off campus somewhere.  Often, they have been sitting there by themselves and not eating right.

-National studies show that students that live in dorms tend to make better grades than students that live off campus.  Why is that?  It is not that there is something magic in those dorms; it is as simple as proximity to classrooms, closer to the Library.  It takes a lot more effort to drive across town to go to class or the Library than it does to walk out the door down to the lobby and across the campus.

-Students active in campus organizations are more likely to be happy, stay in school and graduate.  It is all about being connected to others.  It is easier for those organizations to connect to students who are living on campus.....such as Christian organizations like the Baptist Collegiate Ministry (who does not care if they are Baptist or not.)

-Normally students who are in dorms will also have a Cafeteria ticket.  They will have regular access to food and not live on just ramen noodles all the time.  There is even good and healthy food, if they will pick it up

But, the dorm horror stories.....

I bet I know more of those than you do, however.....there are Resident Assistants who are upperclassmen who provide some stability to each area and are available....there are rules about alcohol and guns. There are periodic safety checks done in dorm rooms.  None of this is happening in rented houses or apartments away from campus.

If your son or daughter find themselves in a totally untenable situation, go immediately to the housing office and request a change.  Many schools have a “No Questions Asked” room change about the second or third  week.  But don’t wait to get on record and ask for help.

Of course, there are exceptions for some reason or other, but overall, I will always say a freshman is better off being in a dorm or other on campus housing.  By the way, some of it is even luxurious these days.

Want more help for your freshmen?  Check out Arliss Dickerson's book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades, at

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