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Saturday, July 27, 2024

6 Tips for College Freshmen Who will Live Off Campus (and their parents)

There are some pluses to being a commuter college student......especially if it involves a free room at home.  There are two types of commuter:  the one who lives at home and the one who lives in an apartment or house away from campus.  

Studies show that as a whole, students who live in dorms or other on-campus housing tend to make better grades.  The reason is quite simple.  It is easier to be and feel connected when living on campus.  It is easier and more convenient for a campus student to go to the library or a study group.  The people they are living around are doing those things.  Those who live at home and take classes often have a part time job also and sometimes do not feel like a college student.

6 Tips for Freshmen (and their parents) living away from campus:

1.  Be intentional about meeting some people and making some new student friends that share the same priorities and commitments.  Don't just hang out with former high school friends or the guy or girl you share an apartment with.

2.  If a student is living at home, it is important to remember that college life functions on a different time schedule.  There are programs, religious activities, and intramurals that take place from late afternoon to late into the evening.  Parents should not always expect their college student to function on the same old dinner time at home, etc.  Don't let supper time at home prevent college life and experiences from happening.

3.  Whether a commuter living at home or in an apartment, eating some meals on campus is a plus.  It can promote new friendships and more college connections.  Some buy a meal ticket and many campuses have a plan where money can be deposited in an account and used at different campus eating locations and even at some places adjacent to campus that are frequented by students.  Another factor is students living out on their own do not eat so well when they do all their own food!

4.  Make plans and schedule to attend start of school Orientation and Fun Welcome Events. It is easy for those away from campus to not attend those and it it a mistake.  In addition to campus sponsored fun and get acquainted events, campus Christian groups sponsor fun events that help make solid connections.  They go by different fun names like Freshmen Survival, FreshLife, Rookie Bulldog Weekend, etc, etc.  Many college ministry churches will host special Lunches and even Brunches the first Sunday after the dorms open.  These make for great positive connections opportunities. If necessary, take off work to do some of these.

5.  The first 2-3 weeks of college often sets the pattern of the rest of a student's college career.  Don't believe those that say, "Don't worry about going to class or having your books that first week or two.  Some classes start slow and some start fast and hard.  It is possible to ruin your grade point at the beginning.

6.  If faith has been part of your life, be intentional about maintaining it at the very start.  Lots of freshmen disappear from Christian involvement simply because they got busy at the start.  Make it a priority and if you are a parent, make it a discussion just like studying and keeping a scholarship and good grades.

The Golden Rule for Freshmen:  Make friends by your priorities.....not your priorities by your friends.  We become like the five or six people we hang out with the most.

Arliss Dickerson has spoken to hundreds of college freshmen at Orientation and Welcome Events.  You can get his quick and easy to read book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades is available at

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