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Wednesday, April 5, 2023

6 Tips for Developing Student Leaders

If you know me, you know I am all about student leaders! I believe that student leaders are the second greatest impact factor in a college ministry.  

6 Tips:

1.  Never talk a student into taking a leadership role.  If you have to talk them into it, they are likely to drop out of it at the worst possible time.  There is a difference in helping them see their potential and allaying their concerns than talking them into it.

2.  Help them know exactly what they are to do.  What a student leader does may vary somewhat in regard to their abilities and interests, BUT, every role has some specifics that need to be done.  Make sure they are clear on what those are.

3.  Encourage and allow them to do it in their unique style....SORTA!  Two great student leaders can do a really good job in the same role, but do it differently according to their personality. I am all about helping them see they do not have to do it just like the one before them did it.  HOWEVER, the idea is not just to blow up the role and start from scratch, unless it has been a total failure to that point.  The new Worship Leader cannot just decide we will move the worship event to Tuesday night at Midnight because they are a night owl.

4.  Don't let them ever feel alone.  There is a fine line between giving them the responsibility, trusting them to do it and letting them feel overwhelmed.  Make sure they know you are always available.  Also, remember that sometimes a week may bring a big test in every class or two huge presentations and that affects their overall ability to perform in their leadership role.

5.  Help them process success and failure.  Part of meeting with them regularly is helping them learn from the result of their service.  When it goes well, why did it go well?  When it goes poorly, why did it go poorly?  This is huge in their development and likelihood of continuing service.

6.  Make sure they know they are appreciated.  Never forget they are volunteers. Express appreciation.  Express appreciation before everybody occasionally for what the student leaders do.

Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula, is available at for College Freshmen is available at

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