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Monday, November 8, 2021

Six Ways Older College Ministers can Succeed or Fail

 I am a fan of older College Ministers....not just because I am one.......but, I think their college ministry experience and life experience bring so many pluses to the job.  And, they often train and raise up a new generation of College Ministers.  But, sometimes a College Minister has gotten older and is not doing the job as well.  So, here are some of my thoughts on what affects all of that.

1.  Acting your age is huge.

I have seen some who tried to pretend they were younger.  That doesn't work  I wrote an article once entitled, "I Don't Wear Gym Shorts on Campus".  Some younger College Ministers do and it works for them.  Yes, I have seen older College Ministers show up at Freshmen Orientation in shorts and they were the talk of the event....and that wasn't a good thing.  There is a difference between acting your age and being unapproachable.  Today's generation has a desire to be mentored by older adults.  Also, acting your age is about playing to the strengths of your age which is wisdom and experience.  You don't have to say what you think about ear rings and tattoos any time the opportunity arises.

2.   Know your Weak Points and Equip and EMPOWER others.

Part of acting your age is knowing your weak points.  So, look for and empower others in the areas that are no longer a strength for you.  Encourage and help them develop.  Sometimes as we get older, it is easy to become defensive and try to go out of our way to do everything just the way we did it before.  Remember, the ministry is not about what you like, but what today's generation relates to and what speaks into their life.  Instead of your speaking all the time, could you coach and train some of your students to speak at your large group?


As we get older, we can easily talk about what is wrong with us and the world.  We can be bitter about our lack of advancement or our salaries or whatever.  Or, we can be thankful to God for the opportunities that we have and that we get to be a part of what God is doing in today's generation.  Attitude matters and comes across to others.  An attitude of gratitude goes a long way.

4.  You can Quit Talking to College Students or LISTEN harder than ever BEFORE!

Someone has said, "Listening is so much like loving that its hard to tell the difference."  We can preach AT students or do lots of listening to them.  As we get older, it is easy to just hang out with faculty and other older friends.  Listening and talking to students not only enriches their lives, but ours as well.  And, it continues to make us a better College Minister.

5.  You can FIGHT with the administration or LEVERAGE your INFLUENCE.

These are tough days for college administrators with all the competing forces they have to make happy or keep from being too unhappy.  There are easy areas we can fuss with them about.  But, what are the areas we can work with them or encourage them?  A friend was asked by the University to host a luncheon for all the campus club presidents.  It would have been easy to say, "No thanks; we have our own things to do."  Or, "you haven't been to kind to us in some decisions."  Our older age often makes us peers with some of the top administrators.  Be a friend.  It is surprising how many doors being a partner opens.  Be a friend and partner, where possible.  The older we get the easier it is to be friends and peers with top administrators.  Leverage that strength!

6.  ASK for help or just be BULL HEADED.

Don't be overly stubborn.  Admit to students you don't know how to do the latest social media or even what it is and can they give you a quick tutorial.  Be willing to learn new stuff.  And, you may not be an expert, but you will at least know what they are talking about.  Pretending you know is a killer!

We need more older experienced College Ministers for a ton of reasons!

Arliss Dickerson's college ministry books are available at

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