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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Leaders Make Decisions

Leaders make decisions.  Good leaders make hard decisions.  Some decisions are difficult, particularly in ministry.  There are different people who have different thoughts, ideas and real needs.  It is not unusual to see different ministry situations where a key decision is not made due to the different and valid viewpoints.

This is where leaders distinguish themselves from run of the mill leaders to good or even great leaders.  A good or great leader will do all possible to get all the facts, feelings and options on the table.....then make a decision and move forward.  Now, here is the hard part.....not everyone will agree or be happy.  That does not necessarily mean the leader has made the wrong decision.

I have learned these lessons the hard way.  In my heart I am basically a people pleaser; I want everyone to like me.  But, making the tough decisions brings criticism and unhappiness on the part of some.  We cannot be surprised by it.  I usually am.  Why is it when we read the New Testament we see disagreement among the Believers in Acts?  They were people led by God still figuring out this faith by grace thing.  So, if these people and some who had SEEN Jesus in person still disagreed some on how to do it, then of course we will disagree sometimes.

I always ask the Bible class I teach each Sunday what their "take-aways" for the scripture that day are.  So, here are my take-aways.

1.  Tough decisions will not make EVERYONE happy.  It just is not possible.

2.  Do all you can to listen to all parties before making the tough decision.  Some people....not all....are ok if they feel they have been heard even when a decision does not go their way.  Plus, we need all the information possible.

3.  I hate this take-away the most:  Some....a few....will sometimes be ugly after a tough decision has been
 made that did not go their way.  It is just true.

4.  Do all within your power to NOT be ugly in return.  Leave it alone and get away from it.  When it turns ugly, facts often do not matter.

5.  Continue to move forward.  Remember; for some strange reason we tend to hear negative voices in our head way more than positive voices.  In fact, most of the voices in our heads tend to be least in difficult situations.  Don't let the negative voices paralyze you.

Many years ago when I first started in College Ministry and I was dealing with the tough issues, I thought, "I will be glad when we get past this and I can do my thing.".  It finally dawned on me, if there were never tough issues, they would not need me.  That was really my main job.....leading through tough issues.

"They (Barnabas and Paul) had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company....." Acts 15:39

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