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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WHO Are You Having Lunch or Coffee with THIS Week?

 Relationships are the currency of ministry.  You can stop there, if you like short articles. Our relationships go a LONG way in determining the success of our ministry.

One of the things I really miss about doing full time college ministry is all of the lunches I did with different people.  When I went back to the ministry at Arkansas State as the Interim, I was contracted to work three days a week.  One of those days was our large outreach Lunch Program and the other two days I ate in the Cafeteria one day and in the Food Court the other day.  Most students did not realize that I was only working "part time".  They would see me a lot.  That is one advantage of a large campus having only one Student Center with one Cafeteria. 

One of the great things about college ministry is the easy opportunity to do lots of relationships.  College cafeterias, Food Courts and snack bar areas are ripe for deepening relationships and starting new ones. You can arrange to have lunch with one student or a group of students.  You can meet new students as students you know introduce you to others.

Who should you go to lunch with or have coffee with this week?

-That pastor who has been super encouraging to your ministry?

-That student who is struggling with whether God is calling him or her to the ministry?

-That Campus Minister who just came to town?

-That student who has the potential to be one of your top leaders in the years to come?

-That student who was very involved in your ministry and has backed away for good or bad reasons?  You don't have to fuss at them, just check on them and encourage them.

-That alum that works there in town that was a key leader a few years ago.

-That group of freshmen that are as a friend of mine says are, "such a freshman"?

-Who is someone that you need to learn something from or be mentored by?

Of course, there are times you need to eat lunch by yourself, jut to breathe a little or eat with your spouse.  But, lunches and coffee times are too valuable to waste.  Are you planning and scheduling your lunch and coffee times every week for God's glory and use?

If you aren't being intentional about your relationships, you probably are not doing much ministry!  Walk across the campus and through the Student Center every day.

"We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."  I Thessalonians 2:8

Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula, is available at and A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity, and the popular

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