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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Simple Recipe for College Success

 The right ingredients is what makes every dish taste good.  There is a simple recipe for college success for freshmen.

1.  Intentional Priorities -  Decide what is important to you.  Make those things the center of your activities at the very start of school.  If you are a Christian, make sure that is part of it.

2.  Friends - Make friends by your priorities.  If your friends have similar priorities, you are more likely to practice and live by those priorities.

3.  Schedule - Be intentional in planning and living by a weekly schedule that has time for sleep, study, and fun. Make sure to establish a good schedule at the start and adjust it as you progress.  But, START with a schedule.

Adapted from Arliss Dickerson's book,  Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades, check out A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity

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