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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Beware of College Ministry "Experts"

 It is a bit of a paradox for someone who writes and speaks on college ministry to say, "Beware of experts".......after all, I am always encouraging newer College Ministers to learn from old pros.  But, here is the thing, it is easy to confuse notoriety, a big presence on social media or a proximity to someone as expertise.

A friend said they had read an article on college ministry by a person in Baptist life I had never heard of.  The article was being circulated because he was at the church of a well known preacher.  Some years ago, a pastor told me he was frustrated by going to conferences where someone would speak on growing a church whose church was located in a booming suburb.  He said, "They know nothing about how to grow a church like mine."

Here is the point.  Sometimes, the best person to help you and for you to learn from is not somebody famous.  Rather, it is someone who is working in a similar situation to yours.  Their ministry may not be huge and they may not be the featured speaker at a conference, but they have dealt with many of the same issues you face.  I was visiting with someone who leads a a very large college ministry and many would correctly call him an expert.  In the midst of my conversation, he told me he had 24 staff members.....most college ministries I know are 23 short of that.  You may hear him at a conference and you should listen to him.  

But, someone else may be YOUR most helpful "expert".  Who is working in a similar situation to yours?  Who is someone that works with similar resources to yours?  Who is on a campus that would be similar to yours?  Maybe the two of you should visit regularly.....AND he or she might even learn something from you!  Also, I am all about networking with College Ministers outside your state as they often have a little different view and bring some different insight.  Networking is part of a growth formula.

Beware of college ministry experts......including this one!

Arliss Dickerson's book, A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula, is available at and A College Student's Guide to Spiritual Maturity is at You can get Tips at

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