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Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Let's Hear it for Van Simmons!

 Van Simmons has announced his retirement from the International Mission Board (IMB) effective January 7th of this week.  Van has been not just a friend to College Ministers, he has been a best friend.

Prior to serving at the International Mission Board, he worked at the North American Mission Board leading the Summer Missions program that sent students all over the U.S.  But, to all of us BSU/BCM/BSM guys, he was "the man" at NAMB.  If you needed help, you called Van.  If you needed to know something, you called Van.  He knew who to talk to and who could help.  When the North American Mission Board went through a reorganization, Van's position was eliminated. But, the International Mission Board knew what an asset Van was to our missions movement, as well as college ministry overall and brought him on to work in Student Mobilzation helping send students around the world.  And, so Van continued to be at all the College Minister meetings and be a continuing encourager to everyone.  We trusted our students to Van. Literally thousands of students were used by God and had God speak into their lives as a result of Van's work.

Prior to going to the North American Mission Board, Van had done campus ministry in Ohio. And, it continued to show.  Van has the heart of a College Minister.  That is why he "got us" and was always able to listen and encourage.  I am sure he did a good job organizing and administrating, but he was never an "Administrator".  In my mind, if you look "Best Friend" up in the College Ministers Dictionary, there will be a picture of Van talking to a bunch of College Ministers.....and probably listening more than talking.

Van, you are much loved and appreciated in the great college ministry family.  Thanks for all the student lives you have touched and thanks for all the times you let College Ministers bare their heart and soul to you.  And, thanks for always knowing the answer or who knew the answer to all our questions.  You have been God's gift to us.

If you can, please let Van know how much you appreciate him.

Arliss Dickerson's college ministry books are available at


  1. Thanks for reminding everyone of us what an asset Van has been to Collegiate Ministry for almost 40 years!!

  2. I'm sure someone else will be the next "Van" but in my ministry life, Van was a great friend, a trusted source of information, and a catalyst for my going and sending students to the nations!
