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Friday, January 21, 2022


 It is hard to have much ministry without some money.  The larger college ministries I am aware of have money.  Alums, friends and churches are generous to them.  But, I do not believe that money is our biggest and most important college ministry resource.

Student leaders are our biggest and most important resource!  It is our responsibility to encourage them, build them up, and let them know they are appreciated.

The 5 Steps in Developing Student Leaders:

1.  Intentionality - We have to always be about looking for potential leaders and be intentional in building them up.  Recognize them and show they are valued in your ministry.

2.  Training - Leaders often fail because they did not know what to do or how to do it.  It is our job to make sure they know what to do and how to do it.  That happens in training and training never ends. But, it is easy in the beginning to not be clear about exactly what they are to do and some ways to accomplish it.  Yet, we have to allow room for their individual strengths and gifts to help shape their role.

3.  Giving Responsibility - There is a fine line between a leader feeling they have been deserted and too much input from someone else.  Let them do what they have been asked to do, but never feel they have been left alone or hung out to dry.

4.  Healthy Evaluation - Part of growing as a leader is learning to evaluate and to learn from the evaluation.  Nothing is ever done or happens perfectly  Work through evaluating with leaders in their responsibilities to help them continue to learn and grow.  My boss told me one time our  students would make the most comments and suggestions on the evaluation sheets. 

5.  Affirmation - The greatest thing we can do for someone is give them genuine affirmation.  Tell them what we see in them that God has put there and some of the ways He can use it. We can affirm their hard work.  Even in something that did not go well, we can affirm their effort.  Many college students have no idea all they are capable of doing and being. No one has ever told them.  We get to do that!

Do Your Student Leaders Feel Appreciated?

Hare Are Some Possibilities:

1.  Say thanks and recognize them in public settings.

2.  Surprise them with cake, pizza, or whatever at your next meeting.

3.  Draw for a Starbucks Gift card at your meeting...or every week.

4.  Put up a picture of your leadership team somewhere prominent.

5.  Invest in them by talking and praying with them about their personal life, dreams, and decisions.

We reach more students with good student leaders.  We build up churches for the future by training student leaders.  We reach a wider variety of students with strong student leaders.  We are able to stay in college ministry for the long haul because we are not responsible for everything.  Make sure they feel appreciated and not used!

Help your student leaders succeed and feel successful and your ministry will be better for it.

Arliss Dickerson's college ministry books are available at

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