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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Is This Generation X, Y, Z, J, or T? Or, is it "The Hang-out Generation"?

I must admit I am a bit fascinated by the titles given to each generation and the thing I wonder about the most is....who gets to name them?  That is a heavy responsibility.  So, you can let me know, if you know the answer.  As a friend of mine said yesterday, "Tell me something I don't know.".

I find the descriptions helpful.  I read the articles describing the characteristic of each.  Here is my title for the current college student generation.  They are "The Hang-out Generation".  In my role as the Interim College Minister at my church, I spend two days of set aside time on campus.  I meet with students who need to meet over an issue or just want to meet for us to know each other better....either by their request or mine.  One thing I do on each of these days is walk the campus through the student high traffic areas.  That has been a practice of mine for many years.

I have been struck by how many places the University has established "Hang-out Areas".  There are large areas with many tables and chairs in the main student center and there are lots of small cubby holes, chairs and tables different places.  There is a classroom building with an atrium and a deli....and lots of small table, chairs, and other groupings.  There are older classrooms who have a small table and two chairs stuck here and there.  These are recent additions.

Everywhere all over campus students are hanging out.  Some are hanging out with one or two others and in other instances, they are hanging out alone....with their phone either looking at something or talking to someone.

Here are my Three Take-Aways for College Ministry:

1.  We must take time to get out and about and connect with students in these hang out areas.  Heading across campus with no appointment or plan may seem a waste of time.  It is not.  I continue to be surprised by how often God opens a door for a long or very short conversation that he uses in the hang-out areas and spaces.

2.  For those of us fortunate and blessed enough to have some kind of designated, our own space...either in a campus Center or in our part of the church, we need to have "Hang-out Areas".  We have two bistro tables with two stools in our University area. I notice how one or two students land there.  We have a couch and chair area in another corner.  Two or three students will land there.  When they do not have a test that they run off to study for following one of our events,  I notice how much they hang out.  These areas help promote it.

3.  Some sort of simple food promotes and advances hanging out.  We have a coffee bar and there is iced tea available self serve....also something to munch on.  Many years ago when I served on campus, I noticed when we had some sort of food afterwards, it encouraged students to stay and talk to someone else.  When they got to know people, they usually came back.

If this is indeed the, "Hang-out Generation", we must go to where they are hanging out and we must provide places for them to hang out. Starbucks gets this and is making big money with it.   I hate coffee.....but I like students hanging out where we and they have spiritual conversations.  And, I will even meet them somewhere and buy their coffee......and we have spiritual conversations.

Are YOU hanging out on campus?  Do you have hang out places where you meet?

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