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Monday, October 23, 2017

5 Things I HATE in College Ministry

1.  Those who say "there is only one way to do it".
It is said many different ways, but there are those who say it.  All of us have our style or our philosophy, but we must acknowledge that there is more than one way to do it...and do it well!  When we say there is only one way to do it, we are doing harm to others who are not doing our style or philosophy.  Always be an advocate your method, style or philosophy, but don't be bashing someone else's unless it is contrary to the Gospel or acting in unethical ways.

2.  Campus based and church based college ministries not working together.
I see situations where the ministries (often of the same denomination) are competing against the other....OR, they are not negative, they just are not cooperating for the good of all.  If you are not cooperating for the good of are working against other ministries.

3.  One ministry STEALING  students from another.
Have you ever had someone who was a ministry staffer tell your students they should be in their ministry because your ministry "does not...." do whatever they say they do well?  Students hop around and ministry shop or do buffet tasting.  But, when we tell students they should not be in another ministry so they will be in ours, we are acting unethically....and even more...not Christ-like.

4.  The idea that some think College Ministers don't work hard because they "hang out" on campus.
Those that know me or read my stuff know one of my platform ideas is walking across the campus and through the Student Center every day.  Hanging out some provides connection to different students.

5.  Seeing a student walk away from my ministry and never knowing why.
I don't think there is anything that hurts more than seeing a student we have invested in walk away from our ministry and never knowing why they left.  I would do better with them telling me they didn't like me or I had done something wrong than just seeing them leave and not knowing what happened.  If you do college ministry long, it will happen many times...and you never know why and it always hurts.

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