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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Baptist Collegiate Ministry is Alive and Well!.......However

With the recent word that Lifeway Christian Resources, in their need to reduce their operating budget by $25-30 million dollars, had eliminated the National Collegiate Ministry leader position, some have interpreted that to mean that BCM/BSU/BSM ministries throughout the country were being shut down. That is NOT the case.  The state and local College Minister positions are funded by each individual state.

IN FACT,  Baptist Campus Ministers have been working harder and more diligently throughout this summer than in any summer in my memory.  I have been incredibly impressed by their creativity and planning in dealing with this "New Normal" related to the Covid19 virus that has shut down college campuses since March.  They have done Zoom events and gone to all kinds of creative ends to connect with incoming freshmen.  Many have also been leading or sharing in programs to feed International students who have had their sources of food or fiances frozen.

Many have just learned in the last few days what their campus administration will allow student organization and ministry groups to do this fall.  Some have been told there can be no gatherings larger than 100.  Others have heard, no more than 50....some have learned no more than 10.  And, even some have been told they are to have no in person events.  So, those who have been given a maximum number that usually is smaller than a normal worship night crowd, are scheduling multiple worship events in one night, etc.  Others are organizing even more small group Bible studies that will meet all over campus. Others will do one to one discipleship and some will lead Zoom Bible study groups.  Instead of having the "summer off" as some have guessed, with no students around,  they have worked harder than ever in what is usually a catch your breath and work at a more moderate pace season.   

HOWEVER, some think that cuts to college ministry will likely be the first casualties in many states, if cuts must be made due to declining church offerings.  As one college ministry leader has said, "We are collateral casualties." College Ministry is often seen by some leaders as "good, but not necessary." Or, it is not one of the ministries that directly supports church ministries and therefore there will be less blow back from eliminating it or cutting it back.

If church offerings decline in the days to come, leaders will have to make hard decisions.  Let's pray that these decisions are made relative to a "vision for the future"...not just what is easiest and get's the least criticism.  Reaching young adults for faith in Jesus Christ and discipling them to be the leaders of the future is a necessity for our impact on our society and for the future of our churches and their on-going ministries.

Pray for College Ministers!  Pray for denominational leaders. Voice your concerns about the future of college ministry to your pastor, convention leaders, etc.  Say an encouraging word to a College Minister.  Let's pray for strategic decisions...not just reactive or easy ones.

Arliss Dickerson is a college ministry coach, blogger, and author.  His new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at  Just type in his name or the title.

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