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Monday, August 21, 2017

College Ministers and the News.....And Being Crazy Tired!

This is very different than any of my usual Blogs which are "how-to's" and "why's" of college Ministry.  This is opinion.

I have recently read different College Ministers (some I know and respect and others I do not know) saying we should not read or watch the news.  They say it is distracting.

I wholeheartedly disagree.  As Christians we must be very much aware of the world and what is going on around us.  Scripture admonishes us to pray for our leaders.  Being aware of what is going on makes for better praying.

Christians are often accused of being out of touch.  If we do not keep up with current events, we are out of touch.  Now, can you watch too much cable news and  become too into what is going on hour by hour?  Absolutely!  Also, remember that surveys indicate that people today want to watch news with which they agree.  Beware of just watching news that slants it your direction.  Watch and read news....not just opinion people.

That's the end of that rant.

I have just returned to a local college ministry position as the Interim College Minister at my church after just being a College Ministry Consultant.  You know a consultant is someone who borrows your watch to tell you what time it is.  I must admit that I had totally forgotten the crazy tired feeling that goes with the start of school...all the events you are doing or connecting to, etc.  When I got out of bed this morning I felt like I had been in a football scrimmage yesterday.  It took me a few steps to be able to even walk straight!  Hope you can walk straight.

Blessings to all....Keep  Doing it!

FIXING A BROKEN COLLEGE MINISTRY is available on Kindle as an eBook or in print.  It was written to help ministries re-build or to take them to the next level.

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