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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

3 Key Principles at Work in a Healthy College Ministry

There are things always below the surface that make a ministry successful and impactful for God's kingdom in the lives of students. Here are three:

1.  OWNERSHIP - Students take ownership of the ministry and therefore are willing to invest themselves in it.  And as a result they grow more personally in their relationship to the Lord.  Plus, they grow in developing their life skills....and ministry skills.  Some argue the number one task of a college ministry is developing leaders for the church in the years to come.  When our students feel ownership, they invest more, they grow more, and we reach more.  Ownership means their input and decisions are important.  Are you helping your students experience and practice ownership?

2.  IDENTITY - Many alums of our college ministry have told me in one way or the other that they found out who they were as a result of the opportunities and challenges afforded them.  If you ever ask for a show of hands at a Christian gathering of how many there know what their Spiritual Gift or gifts are, you will see few hands go up.  Yet, God's will for our lives is usually written into our spiritual gifts.  How can someone be who and what God has called them to be without knowing their spiritual gifts?  Part of the role and action of a healthy college ministry is giving students the opportunity to try different things and experience affirmation in some of them.

3.  EXAMPLE - The single greatest influencer in a person's life is the influence of others.  We are a result of our parents' influence.  Who and what we become as young adults in college is usually the result of the influences of those we choose to follow. What are you doing to influence students by your example? Students are watching you all the time....ALL the time.  What are you doing to teach students to be a godly influence in the lives of other students?  Albert Sweitzer said, "Example is not the main thing in influencing others; it is the only thing.".

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