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Thursday, August 13, 2020

College Ministers and Parents Working Together

Some have said one plus of doing college ministry over youth ministry is that we do not have to deal with parents.  Yet, are we missing a key ally and supporter, if our college ministries are not connecting with parents?  My friend Steve Masters, BCM Director at LSU, is a loud proponent of connecting with the parents of incoming freshmen.  The LSU?BCM mails out a "Parent Survey" along with a letter with lots of information about the BCM ministry.  The letter asks for the student's cell number and encloses a questionnaire for the parents to fill out.

The questionnaire asks about their student's special interests, church involvement, what they hope will happen spiritually in their student's life, and prayer requests.  The form also asks, if they know other students coming to LSU.  They gain lots of additional contacts as a result of parents sending the names and contact information of other students.

Two or three things this does.  It helps the parents know what is going on and that they are not alone in their concern for their son or daughter.  It involves them in giving encouragement on their end to their son or daughter to be involved with the ministry.  Parent encouragement for spiritual involvement at college is a factor in what a student does. Some parents even volunteer to help with events.  And, a few even send a check. In these most unusual of days, parents are more concerned than ever about the welfare of their sons and daughters.  Their knowing they have another partner at the campus is a plus. 

Several years ago, our ministry at Arkansas State sent a letter to the parents of incoming freshmen telling of our weekly Lunch Program and inviting them to buy a semester ticket for their student that would be mailed to the student. Not as many responded as we had anticipated.  But, I still believe we were on the right track.  One reason previously involved freshmen drop out of church at college is, their parents seem to expect and ok it.  Let's help parents be involved in encouraging spiritual growth and development at college.  It is hard for parents to be very encouraging about things they do not even know exist.  A parent letter, survey, offer of a lunch ticket, pre-paid Survival registration, or Fall Retreat sign-up just might be some things we could invite parents to encourage and even do "early registration".

Back to my friend Steve Masters.  He is so adamant that College Ministers are missing the boat when it comes to reaching out to parents, he said, "Tell anybody that wants to know more to email me and I will send them copies of our parent survey and letter."  His email is 

You do not have to do all LSU/BCM is doing and you may not have access to a mailing list that makes it possible.  But, is there some way you should be attempting to partner with parents more....for the benefit of the student....and the benefit of your ministry?

Arliss Dickerson is a college ministry coach, blogger, and author.  His new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY is available at  Type in Arliss Dickerson or the title.

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