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Monday, May 4, 2020

Things I Have Heard from College Ministers

I have been privileged to talk with different College Ministers and be on different Zoom groups during this weirdest of times.  I have heard all kinds of things people are trying both in relating to their students and "finishing the semester" in some way or other.  I am more impressed than ever by what different College Ministers are doing in an attempt to minister to students and reach new students.

Here are some ideas or things said that stuck with me:

1.  No ONE THING is working for everybody.
Some have indicated they have been very pleasantly surprised at the response to their large group worship event on line.  Others have said the response has been disappointing.  Some small groups have continued to function well on line and others have not.  Here is the thing.  We are reminded again that every situation is different.  Don't beat yourself up by comparing to someone else.

2.  Call Students.
One person has shared how they are working through their entire list of students and just calling them to say hey and visit briefly.  It is a personal touch.  Obviously, this is more difficult in a large ministry, but it could simply be done over the next month or the whole summer.

3.  Send mail.
Another commented how they had sent mail to their students and how much it was appreciated.  Is that write notes to students?  Is it a return to the old idea of sending out a "Summer Newsletter"?  Everybody is sending emails, doing Zoom meetings, etc.  Is snail mail the NEW IDEA?

4.  Give students a break.
In the first rush of excitement of Zoom and other media being used, there has come from some the thought, "Hey, we can do this all summer and why haven't I been doing this before?"  Do students need a break"  Is part of their coming back fired up in the fall the fact that they have had a change and it fuels their being back?  Others have said they are ending the semester and will give students a two or three week break, then do "Summer programming" on line and then take a two or three break before the start of the fall semester, whether it is on line or in person.

5.  Give yourself a break.
Most College Ministers I talk to during this time are working harder and or feeling more stressed than usual in May. Giving your students a break can also mean giving yourself a break.  Beware of over doing it during this time.  Make sure to do some of the restorative things that you normally do when school is out in May.

6.  Plan for the unusual.
Another College Minister told me he was planning and figuring out how to do his ministry this fall in small groups totally, if school is on, but large groups are not allowed.  He said, "I can always switch easily to how we have done things, if fall is normal."  Are you planning for the "Unusual"?  Maybe, fall will not be all on on line or not all normal.  Maybe, there will be classes on campus but all done very differently.  What if the University says, "no gatherings of more than 50"?  Make a plan for "what if".

Keep thinking all those good ideas and let me hear about them, so I can share them with others.  Hey, it is May...take some time for YOU and FAMILY!

Arliss Dickerson is a college ministry/leadership consultant and the author of five books on college ministry in eBook and print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).  "ALMOST Everything About College Ministry" will be available in early summer.

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