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Monday, June 24, 2019

Seasons of a Leader's Life

I have written and spoken a great deal about doing college ministry at various ages.  My latest Blog in that area, "What is the PERFECT Age to do College Ministry", continues to be one of my most read.  I have tried to speak against the idea that college ministry is just for the young or that you do it until you can get a church to pastor.  Since many, if not most, of the larger college ministries are led by seasoned veterans, there must be something to this idea that college ministry is not just an entry level position for ministry and we need people to serve for the long term.  Part of that is understanding what and how to do it at different ages.

I have just begun to read Jeff Iorg's book, SEASONS OF A LEADER'S LIFE.  Dr. Iorg is president of  Gateway Seminary (formally Golden Gate Seminary) and although I have only met and chatted with him briefly, I am a fan of his writing. Dr. Iorg says that there are three seasons for a leader:

LEARNING - "These emerging leaders recognize that their early years are primarily learning years....a time to gain information, solidify convictions, test theories, and practice skills."

LEADING - "While good leaders are always learning, at some point the primacy of the learning phase gives way to the reality of the leading phase.  Leading replaces learning as the main goal.  Leaders who paid attention during the learning phase now have resources to draw from to know what to do.  This longer season....sometimes decades the prime of a leader's life when their most significant contributions are made."

LEAVING A LEGACY - "Eventually, leaders recognize their time to lead is passing. The final phase of a leader's life, the final contribution, is formalizing a leadership legacy.  Your legacy is the wisom you have gained, the people you have influenced, and the convictions you modeled which inspire subsequent generations.  Leaving ia living legacy is more important than leaving a monument."

As part of Iorg's writing in each area is scripture from the life of Peter that examines leadership principles and what Peter's life teaches about leading.

If you like leadership, if you are continuing to try to utilize to the best possible extent the age or season you are, you will find this book very helpful.  I highly recommend it.

Arliss Dickerson is the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook format for 99 cents each at  FIXING A BROKEN COLLEGE MINISTRY is available in paperback for $3.99.

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