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Monday, January 21, 2019

Talking to College Students About the P Word

We talk about the M word (marriage).  We talk about not using the F word.  But, I am afraid we are not doing what we need to do in talking about the P Word.  The P word is Politics.

I have written at different times encouraging College Ministers and other ministry types to stop making divisive political comments on social media.  I have a personal rule to not make political comments......I break that rule about twice a year.  Many College Ministers have been told by their supervisors to make NO political comments and to not even click "Like" on political comments on Facebook.  I get all that but here is my concern.

I really believe that Christians should be involved in politics and that voting should be a part of what we do as Christians.  I want Christians to run for office, etc.  I have written previously about the super well known Christian speaker who spoke out about the personal immorality of a well known political leader.  That speaker now draws smaller crowds and speaks in smaller settings.  Who knew speaking against immorality would be a problem for other Christians.

Each year some students ask me to speak on "Christians and Politics".  They have a wide variety of questions and views.  Some have said they do not vote because they see it all as dirty.  Others see Christians selling out the Gospel for political gain or that the end justifies the means.  And still others ask if one political party is really the party that all Christians should belong to.

Here are some of my thoughts and what I say to students when I speak or in an individual setting on this topic.

-I believe Christians should vote...."Render unto Caesar".
-I believe Christians should run for office.....more "rendering".
-I believe all the good or bad people are not in one political party.
-I do not share my specific views on who I do or do not vote for in a large group.  But, I will tell students my specific views if they want to talk to me individually.  Yet, I work at being very supportive of their views even if they are totally opposite mine.  Some of the finest students I have had have well thought out views that are different than mine.  Hooray for them.

Many have told me in certain races they have not voted because it feels like choosing between the "lesser of two evils" and that evil is evil.  My response to that is one of those two people is going to be elected....there is no "None of the Above" option to check.  So, I encourage them to make a decision on one of the choices which will do better or if you will, be less harmful.

I think we must find a line between making dumb political statements and not speaking on political issues at all.  Yet, I am opposed to the idea that pastors should make political endorsements.  I teach a Sunday School class of older adults.  I have someone in my class who has spent the night at the White House when President Clinton was in office.  I have others in my class who have been on tours with Fox News Commentators and others who are active in the Tea Party movement.  I think that is what church is supposed to look like.

So, I encourage you to think....and think wisely.....about talking with your students about politics and their participation in our government system.  I also encourage you to NOT violate any guidelines you have been given by your supervisors.  And, you maybe should not click "Like" on this article.

Arliss Dickerson is the author of five very practical books on College Ministry available in eBook format for 99 Cents each at

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