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Monday, April 3, 2017

What is the Most Important Skill, Ability, or Characteristic for a College Minister?

As the season for college ministry vacancies develops and people are looking for the right person to fill those vacancies progresses, what is the single most important thing?  Is there one thing that makes for a successful College Minister?  The first person who hired me many years ago and who was my first mentor in college ministry told this story once.  A pastor came to see him to recommend one of his own staff for a vacant college ministry position.  The pastor said, "He is really good with small groups.".  The college ministry leader said, "I have lots of people who are good with small groups.  I am looking for someone who is good with large groups.".

To be honest, that is what most of us are looking for when we have a college ministry position to fill....someone who works with LARGE groups.  As we continually look at the loss of the twenty something generation to the church, how can we reach more for Christ?  Lots of us are working well with small groups....what does it take to work with large groups?

What is the most important characteristic, skill or ability for a College Minister?

SPEAKER -The "poster ministries" all have the dynamic speaker.  This is the one who fills an arena every week.  And, it is usually the first thought that comes to everyone's mind who is looking for a new College Minister.  A great speaker gives instant credibility and draws attention to the ministry. Yet, if the number of people who can do this and  have this "star quality" is very limited,  is this the must have ability for a good College Minister?

ONE TO ONE DISCIPLER -  There are those that argue that one to one discipling of students is where real life change and impact happens.  If that is the case, is this the most important characteristic?  It takes a special person who can connect with and continually meet individually with students and challenge them to grow in their personal relationship and walk with the Lord.

OUTGOING PERSONALITY - This is the person who never meets a stranger and can instantly call by name that student who came once last year.  It is the unique ability to genuinely be and for everyone to feel this is their best friend.

ORGANIZER - An Organizer can develop a strategy and roles for a wide variety of students who will then touch other students.  Their ministry is larger than their own personal connections due to the organization.  Students can be drawn to something that is well done and it is particularly appealing to those students who are looking for a place to serve or to grow their own leadership skills for the future.

PASSION FOR THE LORD - There are those who would argue apart from a passion for the Lord, nothing else matters.  Those with passion attract others.  Those with passion tend to infect others. A passionate few can have more impact than those who just muddle along. Yet, does this person have the ability to transfer that passion to others?

There is an argument to be made for each of these being the most important.  Others would say that a healthy mix of all of these would be the ideal.  Yet, if we are honest, most of us in college ministry would have one or two of these where we are strong and one or two that are not our strong point.

I have seen strong ministries led by College Ministers who had each one of these strengths as their primary gift or ability.  In my mind, it comes down to two different truths.  First, what fits this campus situation or what the ministry has previously been?  So, for this situation, that ability/gift is most important.  Second, how do we highlight or emphasize the particular gift or strength of the College Minister?

Sometimes, ministries in transition struggle because they are changing from a College Minister with one lead strength/ability to a College Minister with a different one.

For those hiring a College Minister the question is, which lead strength/ability do you need/want?  For the College Minister it is the question, How do I maximize the lead strength I have?  And, is there one of these that is particularly weak that I need to work at some intentional development?

Coming in May:  FIXING A BROKEN COLLEGE Amazon eBook.

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