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Sunday, October 6, 2024

"The IT Factor" - Part 2

 6 Things College Ministers with "The IT Factor" Do:

1.  Encourage - All of us need encouragement.  But, today's college students report high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.  A positive word often goes farther than we would even begin to realize.

2.  Affirm - Tell college students the potential you see in their life.  Affirm the gifts and abilities you see in them.  Many have never had anyone do that for them.  Most Christian college students will say they have no idea what their Spiritual Gift(s) is or are.  Yet, it is key to Christian living and service.

3.  Give them feedback.  - One of the most important things we can do for our student leaders is to give them feedback in their area of service.  What are they doing that is working?  How could they improve?  You can always brag on effort!

4.  Develop and Train - The two greatest impact factors in a college ministry is the College Minister and the Student Leaders.  We can't ask them to fill a role without training and showing them some ways to do it.  Our job is to help them feel and be successful.  If they are to serve in the church in years to come, they need training.  Many student leaders feel a sense of failure as a result of not knowing what to do or a clue how to do it effectively.  "IT College Ministers" coach!

5.  Pray with them and Teach them to Pray. - Every time you meet with them, pray with them.  Ask them to pray.  Many Christians have never prayed out loud with another person.

6.  Express Appreciation - Student leaders and any student who does anything in your ministry from greeting to setting up chairs is benefitting you and the ministry.  Make sure they know that you appreciate it.

Arliss Dickerson's book, Reaching MORE College Students, is available at

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