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Monday, August 26, 2024

The #1 Reason Students Stay Involved in a College Ministry?

 All of us who work in college ministry have the frustration of students starting to be involved with our ministry or coming the first couple of weeks and then disappearing.   

What happened?

Many years ago when Billy Graham was doing the huge football stadium evangelistic events and literally hundreds were making professions of faith, they did a survey.  They did a follow-up study as to whether those who had made first time commitments to Christ had become involved in a church.  They were disappointed with the percentage of who had gotten involved in a church.  It was much lower than they had hoped and anticipated.  

But for those who did connect to a church, they found one overwhelming common factor......They knew someone in the church.  There was a personal relationship.

No matter how strong your ministry matter how good you are as a matter how great your worship band matter how funky your lighting is, most students will NOT stay connected and involved, if they do not develop some positive relationships in the ministry.  Right now everyone in college ministry is working night and day 24/7 to reach new students.  Many of them will come for 2 or 3 weeks then disappear......IF they do not develop relationships within the ministry.

So, what do you do?  First, help your leaders understand this and help them develop a mentality of being intentional about connecting to newcomers.  Look for those who are by themselves.  Watch for those who come in late because they did not want the awkwardness of being alone and not knowing what to do or having anyone to talk to.  Have some of your great "relaters" hang back and go sit down with them or make an effort to connect to them as soon as the event ends.

One reason I am high on food after an event is.....It gives people a reason to stay and visit.  It can just be chips and iced tea.  It provides something to do and easier to stand and talk.  One ministry I know of would have pizzas cut in what they called "Hors d'oeuvre" portions.  They were out on tables at the back with napkins and drinks.  They were not an attempt to feed a meal.

Of course, the biggest "connection factor" is if they become a part of a small group.  Some ministries now do small groups following their large group worship event.  But, another way to do that is at the end of your worship event, simply have people turn their chairs around into groups of six or eight and have everyone share their name, maybe anyone could share one thing that stuck out in the message and someone close in prayer.  If you do this, it is important to have your leaders spread out all over the room, so you don't wind up with groups where everyone is new and no one is comfortable saying anything.

Relationships are the number one reason students stay involved......or leave!

Arliss Dickerson's book, Almost Everything About College Ministry, is available at and A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula is at

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