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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Which College Ministry Building Block is MOST Important?

 In College Ministry Success Formula ( I list and talk about what I think are the basic 5 building blocks to a strong college ministry.  Of course, the question always comes, "Which is THE most important?"  To me, that is like asking, "Which of the four wheels of a car is the most important one?  I have been accused and probably rightly so of not being spiritual enough because I don't say God or Prayer.  To me that is self-evident, if we are in the ministry.

I can make an argument that any of the five is the most important.  But, if you FORCE me to choose, I pick "Building Block #1, Who You Are Personally."  Nothing will affect the ministry more than who you are as a person. The longer the College Minister serves as the leader, the more the ministry will reflect his or her strengths and weaknesses.  The ministry in many ways will be a picture of you  Your priorities will show in the ministry.

The College Minister is THE most important tool and factor in the ministry.  Here are four things that go into the College Minister being the number ONE tool and foundation of the ministry.

Your Relationship to the Lord

If the ministry you lead is to truly be a ministry and not simply a club for college student, your relationship to the Lord is key. So, at the heart of the ministry, more than we want to admit, is the leader's relationship to the Lord.

Your Personality

God gave us all a personality. Some College Ministers are extroverted and that shows in their style and method of operation. They usually are good speakers and are an obvious face to the ministry.  Others are introverted and tend to be a behind the scenes operator.  They tend to focus on putting students up front more.  Both can and are demonstrated to be very effective in many large ministries.

Your Personal Strengths or Gifts

Part of our personality shaping the ministry will obviously be our strengths.  Some years ago, I read the book "7 Practices of Effective Ministry" by Stanley, Joiner, and Jones.  My gigantic takeaway was that you have to play to your strengths.  I realize most of us automatically do that.  But, do you really?  Are you maximizing your strengths or gifts for the benefit of the ministry.  Often, we slight our strength because it is something we can do easily and spend time on those things that are a struggle for us.  What do you do BEST?  What are the gifts God has placed in your life?  Are those being given the time and priority for them to be at their best?  But, we must avoid the danger of making the ministry all about me!  It also means identifying our shortcomings and utilizing others that can fill those gaps.

Your Relationships

The more people we know, the more it will benefit the ministry.  The more students we know, the more we are likely to reach.  The more campus administrators know and see us as a colleague, the more doors that will be open to us and our ministry.  A part of that is walking across the campus and through the Student Center EVERY day. Your relationships are the currency of your ministry.

If you, the College Minister, are the #1 Building Block of your ministry, what are your strengths/gifts and are you maxing them to the fullest?

"Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." Proverbs 10:9

Check out Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades at and Almost Everything About College Ministry

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