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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

3 Things to do at the End of the Semester

 Besides doing your happy dance, what are some "Must Do's" at the end of the semester?  Here are my suggestions.

1.  Have a very fun and appealing end of the year event.  It might be a cookout.  It might be a Crazy Olympics Day, etc.  Two Reasons:  End on a strong and upbeat note.  Sometimes, college ministries are dragging at the end.  Second, because of the press of a semester starting to wind down, some students (particularly those who were on the edge of regular involvement) have drifted away over the last month.  This gives them a chance to re-connect and it will significantly increase the likelihood of their connecting again in the fall.  If they have not been the last month or so, it is a little harder to come back in the fall.  Remember, an appealing event is one of the reasons students invite others.

2.  Recognize. honor, and Appreciate Graduating Seniors.  It can be done at your end of the year event or in an event held just for them.  It could be a cookout, a dinner at your house, etc. Or, just a pizza and visit time.  Let them know they were appreciated and encourage them in following the Lord in the days to come.  If there are too many grads for a dinner at your house, consider having those who have served in a leadership role in the last four years.  Plus, I always gave a one minute talk about the possibility of their giving $25 a year to the ministry (IPTAY)  and gave examples of what that sort of gifts had paid for during their time in school.

3.  Add to, Update, or Start an Alumni list.  At your end of the year event, you can get a mailing address for each grad.  If they have no clue, they can give you their parents address.  Now is also the time to look through your list and determine those who disappeared before Senior year and make sure they get added.  One College Minister would get a copy of the Commencement Program and look through the entire list to find those that had been involved in the past.  Another College Minister tells of one of his most faithful donors being a woman who was only involved her freshman year and after college realized that dropping out of the ministry was a mistake on her part and started giving to support the ministry because she was on the alumni mailing list.

PS:  May is a great time to do an Alumni Newsletter with a return envelope.

Arliss Dickerson's book, Tips for College Freshmen:  124 Tips for Fun, Faith & Good Grades, is available at and A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula is at

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