This is a re-post from a Blog I did four years ago. I think we all need to be reminded of it...especially as the semester starts to wind down and lots of things may not have gone as you had hoped and prayed.
One of my students asked me jokingly, "Who is more famous you or ________?" and he named a College Minister who is well known for his ministry and for being super active on social media. I do not remember what smart mouth answer I gave him. But, later I began to think about it seriously.
One of the dangers of social media is we see what others are doing and sometimes feel that it is way better and more significant in God's kingdom than what we are doing. I have a friend who has led what I would characterize as a "top 25 Baptist campus ministry in the U.S." As a result of some changes he felt called to make by the Lord, he is now on another campus, doing all the same things well he did at the other campus.....and.....not getting nearly the response he got on his previous campus. The two campuses are significantly different. The resources are different. He is being faithful to God's calling on his life. Some might wonder what ever happened to him. But, the Lord know where he is.
Another friend serves on what might be called "the least Christian campus in America" and he has been having 35 students at his weekly large group meeting. He is seeing some students come to Christ. That is wonderful in the context where he serves. He would be one of my nominees for Campus Minister of the Year. But, he probably will not be described by anybody as "famous".
Right now in my "Fifth Season" I am leading the smallest ministry I have led in many years. Sometimes I am frustrated. Yet, I feel I am where the Lord wants me right now. The other night I was frustrated by our drop in attendance. But, I left excited by the conversations I got to have with some students that night. It was not about the size of the was about God's movement in their lives and my being privileged by God to be present to it.
God did not call us to be famous or lead a large ministry. Leave that up to Him. He called us to love students in His Name and to be faithful to that. Most of us will not wind up to be famous.....but that is not what we were called to be. And, we nay not lead "a large ministry", but God knows where we are and He will continue to speak into the lives of students. That is what he called us to. A few of us may wind up leading large ministries and a handful of us may be a little "famous" in our tribe.
But if we worry about being famous or how many likes our latest statement on Facebook or Twitter gets, we just need reminding, that was not what we committed our life to. God is speaking into the lives of college students and we get to be part of it!!
Arliss Dickerson's book, Almost Everything About College Ministry, is available at there is lots of other stuff too like "A 3 Part College Ministry Success Formula".
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