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Monday, May 3, 2021

Random Advice for College Ministers

I recently read Carey Nieuwhof's "25 Random Pieces of Advice for Leaders in their 20/s, 30's or 40"s" which I highly recommend.  I thought I would share my random advice for College Ministers.

Show up for work every day when you should and work.

Plan, spend and work the first three weeks of the fall semester like your ministry and life depended on it.....because at least your ministry does.

Don't ignore your critics.  But, don't let them determine your actions.

When you go to conferences, don't spend ALL your time in the hallway.

At a conference find someone who has done it longer or better than you have and ask them a couple of questions.

At a conference find someone who is discouraged and encourage them.

Learn from your hero in ministry, but do not copy them.

Ask your spouse first about their day when you get home.

Be "a gatherer".  If there are other people who do college ministry on your campus or from nearby churches, gather them together occasionally for the benefit of all in prayer, conversation and just being with somebody else that gets it.  Ignore the fact that some are competing AGAINST you or that your theology isn't exactly alike.

Let your student leaders know you appreciate them.  Do not take them for granted.  They are not getting paid.

Look for students who do things you cannot do and turn them loose...with your encouragement and guidance.  Freedom and abandonment are not the same thing.

Avoid the APPEARANCE of improper male/female relationships.

Keep careful records of ministry money and readily share that information with stakeholders and anyone with a concern.

Realize students probably do not think you are cool.  So, just relax and be you.  They also probably think you are older than you are.

Be a friend to students who are not in your ministry.

Be on time for meetings.....and your students are more likely to be on time for meetings.

Go to some intramural games just to watch and cheer.....even though you have some "way more important" things to do.

Mop, sweep, vacuum, or clean your meeting place, if it needs it.....even though you are way too important to do things like that.  And, mow the yard, if it needs it.  But, if someone else is supposed to be doing it, help them know how to do it, if need be.

Start your events on time and finish on time.  Some students study.

Make a list of some books to read this summer.  Order them now.

Arliss Dickerson's brand new book, A COLLEGE MINISTRY SUCCESS FORMULA, is available at


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