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Thursday, April 8, 2021

What is "A College Ministry Success Formula"?

 A COLLEGE MINISTRY SUCCESS FORMULA is my brand new book at  But and However, it is not like "Almost Everything About College Ministry" which is 245 pages.  This one is a whopping 33 pages.  It is not really a book; it is a 5 session College Ministers workshop.  

One of my favorite things these last several years has been leading and participating in workshops for College Ministers.  Some are regional, statewide and even national in scope.  At those state wide events, I usually would present something at four or five sessions. At some national events, I would lead a breakout. "A College Ministry Success Formula" is a 5 session seminar or breakout. The book is like my notes or a manuscript for each session.  You will quickly see that it has not been professionally edited like "Almost".  It does not even have page numbers.

One of the things I have learned and totally buy into is that there is more than one way to do college ministry well and for it to be an instrument God uses.  That is why it is "A Formula", not "THE Formula". That said, I believe this is a formula that is working on many campuses and that God  I also believe that you might be using a different formula or plan but see how one or more of these ingredients would fit into your formula.  Or, you recognize that one or two need improvement.

So, my formula has five ingredients.  At the end of each of the five are eight to ten questions for "Self Evaluation and Development".  If I were getting to do this presentation live, at the end of each session, I would hand out a worksheet with these questions on it.  Some are yes and no type questions, but many of them call for your own reflection, evaluation or summary of where your ministry is in this area.

You can easily read the book in an hour.  But, I hope you will take a little longer and work through the questions at the end of each "session".  You could even do one a day or one a week in your staff meetings.

So, here is the deal.  It is a workshop or a breakout.  But, I don't have to get up at 3:30 a.m. to go to the airport and you don't have to take me out to eat when it is over.

Let me ask a favor.  If you read it, go to the comments section on it at Amazon and give your honest thoughts on it pro and con.  

But, I will miss our going out to eat together...and I would have even bought my own lunch or supper.  Let's do it soon!

Arliss Dickerson's book, A COLLEGE MINISTRY SUCCESS FORMULA, is available at

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