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Monday, March 1, 2021

Being a Better College Ministry Speaker.....And, The Game Changer


Whether a College Minister speaks every week at their large group event or only occasionally, we all want to do it better.  Here are my ten suggestions.  And, I believe there is one thing that is a game changer in doing it well.

1.  TELL STORIES.  Students love stories and it captures their attention.

2.  SPEAK CASUALLY.  Most college students don't respond well to yelling or "preacher voices".

3.  HUMOR ALWAYS GOES WELL.  But, beware of corny jokes.

4.  PACE MATTERS.  Often at college ministry events time is limited, but don't get in a hurry.

5.  KNOW WHEN THEY QUIT LISTENING.  At Arkansas State, when their heads are down, they have quit listening.  But, heads come back up when something new catches their attention.

6.  QUIT BEFORE THEY QUIT.  When it is going well, don't get carried away by the sound of your own voice.  It is always great when they say, "I wish he or she had spoken longer!"

7.  SPEAK WITHOUT A PODIUM OR PULPIT.  Just stand in front of them.  Notes can be inside your Bible....that's for those of us that can't speak without notes.

8.  ASK FOR A RESPONSE.  How many of you have ever.....?  Raise your hand, if........  When I do that, I usually raise my hand.

9.  GIVE SOMETHING AWAY.  I have asked, "Has anybody cut a class today?" Or, whatever and then give that student a $10 gift card to a popular student eating place.  That always starts things well.

10. DON'T READ TO THEM.  I am all about notes...never speak without them.  But, beware of reading a manuscript to them....yes, I have seen it done


Speak it out loud before you do it.  Stand up in a room by yourself and speak it out loud just like you plan to do it.  If you have never done it, it is awkward.  But, it helps you hear how it sounds.  It helps you hear, if it really makes sense.  I often will realize that a point is not fully developed or that it doesn't sound like it did in my head when I prepped it.  

Also, it gives you a correct sense of the length of time.  Is it too long or too short?  Also, if you are using notes or an outline, it helps you be more familiar and not have to look as them as frequently.  I believe outside of solid preparation, the best tip for being a better college ministry speaker is speaking it out loud at least once in a room by yourself.  Yes, I still do this....even with my Sunday School lesson I teach!

Arliss Dickerson's book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at

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