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Thursday, August 22, 2019

The 3 Indisputable Laws of College Ministry......Law #3

The 3 Indisputable laws are:

1.  EVERY campus is different.

2.  EVERY leader has different strengths, gifts, and abilities.

3.  EVERY ministry has different resources.

One of the "College Minister Killers" is comparing their ministry to another ministry.  It is easy then to feel totally inadequate and that obviously you were meant to be flipping burgers somewhere as a life vocation and calling.  It is a killer because we never know all that is going on inside the ministry and often the ones we compare to have resources that the majority of college ministries simply do not have.

There are lots of different types of resources.  It can be facilities.  Some ministries have wonderful meeting places and some even right in the middle of campus.  Others have a multiple person staff.  Comparing one person's work against that of 3, 4, or 5 is always going to be a downer.  In church situations, some are blessed with terrific and abundant volunteers.  Others feel they are hard pressed to find someone who can just cook burgers for a cookout.

Of course, the most obvious resource is budget or money.  There are college ministries that receive out of the blue checks for $50,000 from alums.  That is NOT the norm.  Obviously, they can do things most ministries would only salivate over.


1.  Clearly acknowledge what you DO and DO NOT have that would be helpful.  It is easy to focus on what your ministry does not have that would be desirable.  But, that sows dissatisfaction and does not benefit the ministry.  What are the resources you have and how do you maximize the use of those resources?  This is another way of saying one of my mantras, "Play to your strength".  Make sure you are utilizing in the best possible way whatever your resources are.  If you have little budget, but lots of volunteers, then make sure those volunteers get maximum opportunities.

2.  Develop a plan to work toward developing needed resources....that are within reason for your ministry.  All of us could say, "I want a million dollar budget."  That is not happening.  But, it may be that more funds are needed for the Back-2-School Retreat.  Have you articulated well to the decision makers what your vision is.  Church leaders say, "Resources follow vision.".  Do you express gratitude those who already provide resources.  Always thank and appreciate people for what they do that helps, blesses, and supports your ministry.  Knowing you got it, appreciated it, and what it did goes a long way toward  future help or increased finances.

Remember that money does not make a is hard to have much ministry without money.  So, share your dream, articulate the vision.

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and is the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).

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