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Friday, March 1, 2019

More Crazy, Stupid Rules by Darrell Cook

Our BCM staff at Virginia Tech (Taylor Terrill, Katy Terrill, Scott Anderson, Chelsea Anderson, and myself) talked about last month's article "Arliss' Crazy, Stupid Rules for College Ministry" and shared with each other a few of our own.  They are born out of our context and many assume working out of a ministry center, but hopefully some might be useful.

=Most if not all after 10 p.m. questions from students can wait until morning.

=Seek to get continually better at asking questions.

=Coming into your highest traffic events of the year, know where the plunger is and be watchful.

=Whether you are out and about doing things that are deeply spiritual or extremely mundane, take students with you.

=Our students don't drink soda anymore, so we don't waste our budget on it.

=Never set out more chairs than necessary just tol fill the space, this can make a room seem empty and too spread out.  It is better to add chairs as needed than to have too many chairs.

=Anytime an alumnus visits the building get their name and contact info, even if you think we already have it.

=anytime a high school student visits the building get their name and contacts info, even if you think we already have it.

=Know where the water shut off valve is for your building.  (Not a bad idea for your residence as well.)

=Keep a box of tissues on your desk.  (Sometimes for you, sometimes for students.)

=Be merciful to students often, except when it comes to managing parking spaces.

Darrell Cook
Senior Campus Minister
Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Virginia Tech

Let us hear YOUR Crazy, Stupid Rules for College Ministry.  Email Arliss at

Arliss Dickerson is the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook format for 99 cents each at  His paperback, FIXING A BROKEN COLLEGE MINISTRY,  is currently priced at $3.99.

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