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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

5 Steps in Developing and Working with Student Leaders

One of my passions is working with and developing student leaders.  It benefits the ministry because they multiply your efforts and they touch people I would never even meet.  Plus, it builds up leaders for our churches as they graduate and move on.  And, I will confess that I am never sad to see students graduate and move on.  It means that you are going to get to work with and develop a whole new crop!

Here are what I think are 5 steps in developing and working with student leaders:

Students need to hear they have the potential and ability to be used by God.  One of our jobs is to point out and affirm the gifts and raw abilities that we see in students.  Many of them think they have nothing to offer or that no one has ever believed in them.  Demonstrating your belief in them and their potential is huge in many students lives.

After affirming a student's potential we must look for and offer them a chance to serve that gives them the chance to use and grow in their ability.  Sometimes a student will say no and that has not been a waste of your time as they have had the affirmation that may lead to other things for them.  But, it is important that we trying to place them in a role where they fit.  Beware of just "sticking them somewhere".

When we ask a student to serve in a leadership role, we must help know what to do and how to do it.  I always try to emphasize that the task is the same as the student who served in that role the past year....HOWEVER....they may do it in a different way depending on their individual gifts and personality.  Some fail because they don't have a clue what they are supposed to do.  Some fail because they are trying to do it just like their predecessor did it.

It is huge for us to help them learn from their experiences by processing and evaluating what happens as they serve.  Sometimes their efforts will be successful and sometimes they will not. But, they need to know even the "perfect leader" whoever that is never has one hundred percent success.  Understanding why something worked or didn't work is huge.  Learning from each experience is part of what the leadership role is all about.  Being a leader in your college ministry is never just about the job they are to do.

Be an advocate for them in the years to come.  I work at trying to help my former students who are feeling called to ministry.  I recommend them for jobs and I keep track of their situations.  Getting that first job or two is huge and someone advocating for them and on their behalf is encouraging to them and helps them know they are not forgotten.  It can even get to the point that people will call you asking for recommendations of people because they know you advocate for worthy leader types.

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