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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

More Tips on Doing College Ministry for Years and Years....and Years

As a College Ministry Consultant, one of my jobs is to answer questions. Not surprisingly, as someone who has done college ministry for an almost actual count of 112 years, I often get asked how to do it long term. Previously, I have written, "How to Stay in College Ministry for 40 Years" (which you can find at But, since this question keeps coming up, I would like to address it with some new thoughts and likely a few not so new. One reason I love that staying the long term has been a topic of discussion in recent days is that we need old pros. We need them to mentor younger ones so we don't keep reinventing the wheel. We need their knowledge. Also, we know that generally our larger campus based college ministries are led by older, more experienced college ministers. That's not a coincidence. So, here are 12 thoughts on staying the long term....both things that help you stay and be effective....and things to do as you stay the long term.

 1. The older you get the more important it is to empower and train others. -Your knowledge can benefit others, so share it. They don't have to learn the hard way. Plus, these younger staff or student leaders you train and empower/trust to serve can cover some areas that may no longer be your strength.

 2. Utilize your strength. -Clearly identify, affirm and maximize the personal strength you bring to the ministry at whatever age you are. And, there is at least one to EVERY age.

 3. Quit pretending you are cool. -Maybe it is more correct to say, "Quit thinking you are cool.". The students quit thinking it long ago.

 4. Raise money. -People trust older proven vets. Your peers have some money to give. Alums know and believe in you. So, do it. It will strengthen your ministry and can enlarge your staff.

 5. Share your knowledge. -Intentionally choose to mentor younger college minister's who serve other places. You can be a blessing to college ministry past your own location.

 6. Get new knowledge. -There are new ideas all the time that are pluses. Keep going to meetings and learning. Stay fresh.  It is not old that makes us is staleness.

 7. Visit other ministries. -One way to keep growing and getting new ideas is to visit other ministries. Go to them and just watch and learn.  You will see things it would never occur to you to ask.

8. Have talk back sessions with students. -Bring in a small group of freshmen or upperclassmen for cokes, coffee, or pizza and ask questions about your ministry, about your campus, their needs, etc and listen...listen a lot!

9. Listen when people offer you a job. -What that does is it makes sure you are there because God is calling you there now....there is great power in getting to choose again where you are.

10. Eat in the cafeteria and or food court areas with students every week. -It keeps you in touch with the campus as a whole.  Plus, you will usually meet new students.

 11. Walk through the Student Center very day.-Don't become an "office prisoner".

 12. Never quit liking or being with students...enjoy their freshness and their questions.
-Today's young adult wants to learn from and be mentored by older adults.  They don't have to think you are cool...remember; you aren't and they know it.

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