Friday, June 12, 2020

Taking Over a New College Ministry this Summer?

Spring and early summer is the time that we see messages about College Ministers moving to a different campus or a different church, etc.  I visited this week with a College Minister who has just been at his new church just a couple of weeks and we were talking about the best ways to begin.  I was impressed with his questions and first thoughts.

What would I do, if I were moving to a new college ministry situation this summer?  Here are some thoughts and some of what I shared with my new friend.

1. I would have some "Listening Sessions" either formal or informal with students in general and with the leadership students in particular.

-I would ask what they felt the strength of the ministry had been to this point.

-What is something they believe needs to be done differently or begun?

2.  I would try to find out what the "unvoiced expectations" are.  There are always unsaid or "assumed expectations" that are not always voiced.  Sometimes, they only surface when you learn you did NOT meet that expectation.

3.  If it is a church, I would make sure I knew what the pastor's number one priority was for the College Minister.

4.  After listening to the students and student leaders and laid out plans for the fall, I would communicate to the leadership team what my expectations or "requirements" were to be on the leadership team.  And, since these students did not accept their responsibility with these expectations, anyone would have a free pass to step away from their leadership role.

-I would make it clear this is not a "purging' but rather, "Does this work for you?"

5.  In FIXING A BROKEN COLLEGE MINISTRY I shared the two opposite views on taking on a new ministry.  One is continue things as they are and make changes after the first year.  The other is to say it is a new day and to make changes from the very beginning. 

-Different situations may go more toward one or the other approaches.  But, in general, I lean toward a hybrid.  Keep what is really working and add something or change something that really fits your gifts or passion.

6.  I would ask people to help me know who may be getting lost in this transition.  I don't know who was involved before.  So, let me know who is not around.

7.  I would do my best to not be seen as being critical in any way of the previous College Minister..

8.  I would keep reminding myself that every situation is different and I cannot just automatically do everything just like I did in my previous ministry.

9.  I would look at any facilities or meeting place with fresh eyes and if possible change, fix, or clean up what is any glaring problem.

10. I would be sure and maintain some quality time with my spouse because the fall will be really busy!

Arliss Dickerson is a college ministry/leadership consultant and the author of five books on college ministry at (type in Arliss Dickerson). "ALMOST Everything About College Ministry" will be available at amazon in early summer.

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