Monday, December 28, 2020

My BEST College Ministry Advice Ever??

 I have given lots of college ministry advice.  It is way easier to tell others how to do it than it is to do it. If I just had one thing to say, what would it be? Paul Worcester (Collegiate Evangelism Consultant for the North American Mission Board) in his free eBook, "DO MORE WITH LESS TIME," is kind enough to quote me in Tip #9, "Leverage Seasons of the Ministry Cycle".  I think he even cleaned my statement up a little bit and I am glad to claim it.


"Great falls are made in the summer.  Speaking outlines developed in the summer make for less stressful and more fulfilling fall semesters.  Donors thanked personally in the summer make better givers in the fall.  More family time in slower seasons build into your personal reserves.  More quiet time in your relationship to the Lord builds you up and reminds you why you are doing what you do."

If you want more of Arliss Dickerson's advice, check out his new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, at

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Football Coaches and College Ministry

 I LOVE "Football Coach Firing/Hiring Season".  It may just be more fun than the football season.  There is all the rumor and intrigue.  He is going there.  No, he is not going there; he is going to blank University.  That coach swears his undying love to where he is and then is introduced two days later at the new place.  Can you imagine the emotional whiplash?  Today, you are working at Blank University and day after tomorrow you are working at another school.

I love Football Coach Announcement Press Conferences!  There is an energy in the room.  There are all kind of big money people mingling around.  Everybody knows we are going undefeated next year!  The coach has on his tie that matches the school colors and at the end of his speech he puts on the school cap and the room goes nuts!  Plus, we have read on line that he is getting XXXXXmoney to come!

My school is in what is called the Group of Five.  That means we play on the edges of the really big time.  Our coach "only" makes $800,000 a year.....that is besides all the free stuff thrown in like country club membership, a car for you and one for your wife, etc.  Now, that sounds big, but I can't relate it to much.  Until, I divided it out monthly.  The coach makes $66,000 a month!!!  How does that compare to the monthly College Minister check?  Mine didn't compare real well.  When I moved to Arkansas State I got a $5 a month raise.  I only had to work harder, longer and take abuse from the current students.

I read yesterday that an Assistant fired and he is getting $5 Million to leave.  If a College Minister gets fired, they are lucky if someone will help them load their U-Haul.

I read when Nick Saban went to Alabama that he immediately went around the Football Complex telling them what all he wanted changed.  "Take this down; move that."  Many times College Ministers are told or just feel they need to try to maintain the status quo and work with the situation as it is for a year.  My first year at ASU, the upper class students would come into my office and tell me they wished I was not there.  Can you imagine some of the football players going into Coach Saban's office when he got there telling him they wished he was not there?  I would like to see that scene!

Football Coaches can say, "I have not talked to that school."  Of course, they have not.  It was their Agent.  That's it.  College Ministers need agents!  We need someone in there negotiating for us on our "deal".  He or she gets an "extra $10 a month on their travel,  If average attendance goes up by 10 and they get a $100 bonus. If the local preacher that has been mad for the last five years likes the College Minister...."they get an extra two days off at Christmas if...."  We need "incentives" like that in our contract.  I may become a "College Minister's Agent".  I hear they get a percentage of the deals they negotiate.  How much is 15% of not very much?

Speaking of Saban, I read he is 69 years old.  No one is telling him he is too old to work with college students. I think even worse than College Ministers lack of "bonus incentives in their contracts" is the belief that a College Minister has to be young.  Some are too old at 30 and others are just getting warmed up at a much older age and doing their best work ever.  Old guys that are still feeling called, loving it, and seeing some of the best results ever....KEEP ON. is a different world out there.  What's the point of this article that will help do college ministry better?  None!  But, it is Christmas and I thought I could write what I wanted to write!!  Merry Christmas to All!!!

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Arliss Dickerson's new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Third Most Read Blog This Year: "Wise Sayings and Truisms in College Ministry"

 We don't know who said them the first time and everyone does not necessarily believe they are one hundred percent true all the time.......HOWEVER, you can learn a lot from them. 

"To reach a particular campus group, reach one student in that group."

"It takes three years to establish a college ministry or for an existing ministry to become yours."

"Who we reach determines who we CAN and CANNOT reach."

"What you do the first three weeks of the fall semester determines your ministry for the WHOLE school year."

"Good falls are made in the summer."

"A meeting space will fill to only 80% capacity on a regular basis.  To continue to grow, seating space has to continue to grow and too much empty space is discouraging.  Arrange your seating to accommodate your expected number, plus an additional 20%."

"Once a student has been inside your facility or regular meeting place, they are more likely to come back."

"A college ministry will reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the leader."

"The unforgiveable sin in college ministry is not getting a students name and contact info the first time they visit a ministry event."

Arliss Dickerson's new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at

Monday, December 14, 2020

My 4th Most All Time Read Blog Article...."The Quick Cheat Sheet"

 A Cheat Sheet is a quick summary of a lot of information.  Here is my updated cheat sheet for revitalizing a struggling college ministry or taking one to another level.

1.  Look at and as HONESTLY as possible determine what issues are hold your ministry back.

2.  Get input and LISTEN to your core students.  But, remember those there are the ones most likely to feel everything is just as it should be.

3.  Determine if any of "The Ministry Killers" are at work in your ministry.  Two of the most common are Inappropriate Behavior  by student leaders and Lack of Excellence in what is done.

4.  Decide which of two basic approaches to take...particularly in a struggling ministry or a re-start...."Do a complete overhaul and change everything".  Or, "Tweak some things within the current ministry".

5.  Establish a starting point and give it priority.....this is FIRST.

6.  Look at the common characteristics of large and growing ministries .....what is one of those that could most quickly move your ministry in a positive direction.  Don't suddenly try to adopt all of them.

7.  Develop and overall plan.  A written plan or strategy is a plus to making continual progress.  Don't let the everyday tasks keep you from  doing the things necessary for the change or growth.  It is easy to get sidetracked.

8.  Assess honestly the ministry's healthy or unhealthy "atmosphere".  Every ministry has a "Vibe".  If it is unhealthy, what is at the core of that?

9.  Be prepared for the push back and personal attack that often goes with any major change.  As much as possible, let people know why you are doing what you are doing.

10. Consider slimming down what your ministry offers to beef up the quality of your offerings.  No ministry can be and offer every good possibility.

11.  If it is taking on a broken ministry, make an OBVIOUS change or multiple changes that show this is a NEW day.

12,  Invest deeply in a few leaders or potential leaders, that could be difference makers.

13. Clean up the reputation of the ministry with outsiders, if this is needed.  This can be particularly true with college administrators and or pastors in a campus based ministry

14.  Understand how other ministries may be having an impact on yours.  Don't copy the "It Ministry" and understand and stress the strengths of your ministry.

15.  Determine how much more or less you as the leader need to be up front.

16  Begin NOW to determine your plan for connecting to and reaching freshmen in the fall semester.  If first rate pictures will be needed for publicity purposes, make them throughout the coming semester.

17.  Determine how Covid concerns and regulations have affected your ministry and how to factor that into planning for the spring and fall semester.


Arliss Dickerson's book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY is available at

Thursday, December 10, 2020

A Concern of Mine in College Ministry....YOU Are the Answer!

"Out of Sight...Out of Mind" is a well known saying that expresses a truth.  What people do not see or hear about goes away.

In these days of churches and denominations seeing shrinking offerings and hard decisions being made about budgets and personnel, that which is not in mind is likely to go away.  Some college ministry veterans believe that many of the cuts being made in college ministry are not aimed at college is just that college ministry is not at the front of their thinking.  It is not the first item that comes up in budget meetings, elders meetings and deacon meetings. 

If we believe that college ministry is important and matters in reaching our world, what are we doing about it?  One college ministry leader told me some years ago, "I tell my people to just keep their head down and do their own campus."  I think he meant to avoid controversy, etc.  

As different churches, denominations and other groups make decisions about where college ministry falls in today's decisions, YOU ARE THE ANSWER!  Scary, I know.  Now is NOT the time to keep your head down.  It is time to raise it up in the right way.

-Most only know about college ministry what they see locally.  Realize and accept the responsibility that YOU are the national face of college ministry where you are.

-Don't assume everyone knows what you are doing and the good that is coming out of it.

-Communicate what you are doing to alumni and friends.  Encourage them to be a voice for college ministry.

-Don't keep your head down to the point that pastors and others don't know what you are doing.  Be a FRIEND and PARTNER to other ministers during these hard times. They are making tough decisions these days that draw criticism, no matter what they decide.

-Be FOR college ministry....not just your ministry. Be an encourager.

-Remember that making people aware of your ministry is about way more than asking for money.  Some times we just need to inform and be a friend.  A pastor once said to me, "I would like to see a College Minister some time when he wasn't coming to ask for money."  There is a time to ask for money and there is a time to just be a face and a friend.

-YOU ARE THE FACE OF COLLEGE MINISTRY.  Put on your best face and be about it.


Arliss Dickerson's new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Simple College Ministry Formula and Evaluation

 I was talking with a friend who led a large ministry on the campus of a major university.  He said, "College Ministry is really pretty simple, reach freshmen and develop student leaders."  I agree completely.  If you want it put succinctly, that is it.

So, the end of a semester is always a relief and a time of evaluation.  What does that mean in this most unusual of semesters?  Here are some things to consider as you evaluate.


-Was there anything done this fall because of Covid restrictions that is a keeper, no matter the circumstances?  Should something be done out of the ordinary for the start of the Spring Semester due to the differences in this fall?

-Are summer Zoom Freshmen Gatherings a regular from now on?  Are Survival events done virtually a keeper or does there need to be a "Virtual Survival" and an "In Person Survival"?

-What about Bible study groups?  Should there be virtual groups and in person groups every year?  How do groups need to be adjusted for the coming semester...shorter, longer, etc?

-One friend said this fall they had reached a lot of great freshmen girls and very few freshmen guys.  Does next summer's outreach need to have some "gender intentional" outreach?  Do you have an idea for "a guy event" for January?  Reaching guys being a problem is nothing new....but has the current circumstance somehow even grown that problem?  Has the time past that we just do outreach and it is the same for girls and guys?  Seemingly, we can't just lament the loss of guys, we must develop some new ideas for reaching them.

-Just generally speaking:  Is my freshmen outreach all that it should be both event wise, quality wise, number of events wise, and properly funded?  Do we need more outreach events at the start or better quality events?


-How did your leaders perform this year?  Did they step up and take extra responsibility?  Do different times call for different leadership training and development?  Consider doing something special for your student leaders as a result of their stepping up in difficult times. 

-As students go home for Christmas, consider calling or writing personally some freshmen who showed real leadership potential this fall and encourage them.  Let them know you see good things in them and that God can use them in the future.  Let them know how glad you are that they are a part of the ministry.  Don't take them for granted.

-Is it time to give a "Get out of jail free card" to one or more of your student leaders?  The circumstances just have not worked for them and their leadership role is a pain to them.  Should you call and talk with them and give them the opportunity for a "no fault" drop out or transfer to a different role.  Perhaps there is a different role that would fit them better and give them a new start and that could be done now.  Sometimes, it is a good idea to create a role to encourage someone and them to not feel they were "fired".  When students feel a failure, it often sours them on leadership opportunities in the future.

The formula is just takes hours, years, prayer and focus to do the formula. Hang in there.  Remember, you do not know all that God has done this semester and used things you said and did that you do not know and may never know.  I believe that!

Arliss Dickerson's new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A National Movement for College Ministry?

 A few years back I started promoting on social media something I called "Give $25" in the month of December. It was to encourage every alum of any college ministry to give $25 to it by the end of the year.  My hope was that it would spread.  It hasn't.  Basically, it is just me and a three or four friends that promote it.

But, I haven't given up.

Here is my thinking.  I don't intend it to be just Baptist.  In my more godly moments, I realize that there are lots of college ministries God is using other than just my tribe. And, if we all of every tribe promoted it, all would benefit.

Why $25?  Why not $50, $100, or "give what you can"?  Many years ago I finally understood that lots of alums and friends do not give money to a college ministry they appreciate because they do not feel they can give a "significant amount".  So, they don't give anything.  Most of us can afford $25 to give away even at Christmas time.

If every alum of your college ministry were to give $25 once a year, most of you would have the biggest annual budget you have ever had.  Many college ministries are decades old and have touched hundreds and even thousands of students.  Younger ministries would still have a significant windfall. Lots of those would be super blessed by ten people giving $25.

Here is the catch.  I am saying just promote #give25.  It is not give $25 to MY MINISTRY.  If we were to all just say, we want you to bless whatever ministry blessed you. Did you know that many denominational ministries are not allowed to ask an individual for money....even their own alumni?  Wouldn't it be crazy if we promoted #give25 to the ministry that blessed you and those that need it, but cannot ask, started getting money in the mail from their alums.  Many of them would give, but do not know it is needed.

If we just spread the word nationally and it was not just about our ministry, I wonder how God might bless and use it.  I have been fascinated to see that InterVarsity is advertising like crazy on Facebook.  Their theme is, "Reach TWICE as many students this year=end". They have a goal of raising $150,000.  I was surprised to see it was not more.  That would be 6,000 people giving $25.  I have no idea what this Facebook campaign is costing them or what results they are seeing.

What if every parent or grandparent were to see something on social media about giving $25 to the ministry that was or had blessed their children or grandchildren?

I began to think much more about year end giving some years ago when my son-in-law told me that he got some year end money from his firm.  What???  Being a College Minister, I didn't know people got extra money in December.  He told me it often was handed out on December 31st and he would write a check to some causes they support and mail them that day.  But, he and my daughter have to know there is a need.  They have their church and some others on their mind and heart.

Here is a little secret...some will send more than $25, but leave that up to them.  We have to mean it when we say "Give $25"!  Don't hint for more.  And use the hashtag.  Put it on social media that does not even relate to it.  So, join in me in asking people to #give25 unless you are not allowed to do that.  Then, just pray for those that are doing it.  

How many millions of dollars could be given this month to college ministry in America if every alum would give $25?  It would be a miraculous movement of God.

PS:  If you send out a year end newsletter or update, don't forget to put a return envelope in it.....if you are allowed to do that.  Don't break any policy rules.

PPS:  You send a check for $25 to the ministry that blessed you.  I have done mine.

Arliss Dickerson's new book, ALMOST EVERYTHING ABOUT COLLEGE MINISTRY, is available at