Monday, March 30, 2020

College Minister, Are You Ready for the COMING Crisis? by Kevin Cox

We heard snippets of news as China was overrun by COVID-19.  We've heard how Italy's healthcare system has been overrun, leaving many to die.  Last night I watched a video by the New York Times of the crisis now facing emergency rooms in New York City where by Friday they expect to be out of beds in all NYC hospitals.  College ministers - our crisis is not live streaming your weekly gathering or setting up Zoom Bible studies - our crisis is coming.  Are you ready?

By a "coincidence" only the Lord could orchestrate (i.e. providence) our UMass Medical School Christian ministry Zoom Bible study this last Monday night was on Esther chapter four.  Esther clueless to the impending disaster facing her people is called upon by her cousin/advocate father to wake up and see God's hand upon her life and the issue facing her people.  Full of faith he boldly pleasds, "And who knows but that you come come to your royal position for such a time as this (Esther 4:14)?

Campus minister we are facing a coming crisis and its time for us as the church to prepare and plan now.  In a live stream and article, Ed Stetzer called on churches earlier last week to wak up and move out of "Phase 1:  Pause and Innovate" and move into "Phase 2:  Prepare and Plan," because the church of Jesus Christ needs to be ready to "Engage and Execute (Phase 3) and "Recover and Emerge" (Phase 4) in the coming weeks and months of this crisis.

What does tha mean for us as college ministers?  I confess I don't fully know, bu I would like to call on your college ministry gurus out there to help us all figure this out!  Here are a few thoughts:

1.  Prepare financially - This one I think all of us have already started to think about, but we need to be calling on our partners to pray and give even more sacrificially to advance God's mission among college students.  Many (including some of your students) are about to receive hundreds or thousands of dollars in stimulus money.  Some people really need this right now, but some may have essential jobs or may not need it.  Can we all sacrifice for the missin?

2.  Partner with Local Churches - You may not have a plan to care and addres humanitarian needs among college student or your community, but your churches need to!  The church is commanded to care for each other (Galatians 6:2) and to love our neighbor.  You don't have to be the church, but your church(es) does need to plan and prepare.
-Mobilize your students to help those in need.  Your college students have more time and they might be able to make phone calls, help manage a google intake form, organize a list of community resources for the needy in your community.
-Mobilize through the church.  In my context our clubs are affiliated with Student Organizations and are not to meet at all.  But your churches can as essential places.  I saw a picture from a friend in Tennessee who had college students working in their food pantry.

3.  Partner with your university - Start emailing or calling your contacts to say you are here to help them.  Here are some ideas:
-Counseling Office - Educators are starting to think about the coming mental healthcare crisis.  One campus I work with said 70% of students in the last year had moderate to severe depression in the last year and 30% of students thought abut suicide.  This is coming - how will your campus ministry help?
a.  Maybe phone calls to students feeling isolated.
b.  Maybe you as a campus minister can pray for campus administrators or staff during this time.
-Social Media is the new front door - Have students/your ministry social media pages repost services your campus is providing for students like counseling, food, tutoring, etc.
-Community Engagement office - Email your campus community engagement  office to see if they have needs.
-Give to student emergency fund - TGC had an article where Korean college students organized and gave to an initiative for the needy in their city through their university.

4.  Be prepared yourself.
-Pray, pray, pray and then mobilize your partners and church to pray.
-Neighbor notes - My wife and I are just in the beginning of this, but we are planning to take notes in ziplock bags to put on the doors of ur neighbors just saying they can text or call us for spiritual guidance, prayer, or for needs.
a.  Maybe some of your students are internationals stuck on campus.  Could they do something like this with some resources you provide?

The last few weeks I have enjoyed the extra time with my family, but while I am doing this I realize that city officials, healthcare providers, fellow pastors have been working tireless and preparing for the worst.  My we be like Esther and step into this moment with bold faith.  So that our lives demonstrat our Savior's call, "Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Kevin Cox
Clarke College, Worcester, Mass

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry in eBook and print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Trend in College Ministry I Do Not Like

When I started in college ministry many years ago, there was an axiom, "If you are up front, it is wrong."  The point was that students were to be doing all the up front things.  That was part of training them for future service as well as it being a student led ministry.

There has continued to be a growing trend for a College Minister to always be up front.  They speak for the main event and they lead the Bible study groups, etc.  Part of the current practice that is a good change is that in those years, if a student could not do it, then we had guest speakers.  That was a mixed bag.  The plus was students heard a variety of ideas, viewpoints, and even saw different styles of Christian messages.

The negative side of that was students often hearing a re-warm of last Sunday's sermon that did not apply much to them or a "What You Students Need to Know" talk.  It was amazing how many of those were pretty similar.

My granddaughter attends a college that has a large weekly worship event where two different students rotate speaking each week.  The College Minister selects them at the first of the year and they basically do it.  I must confess that scares me just a bit too.  But, it is working very well for that ministry.

I have previously admitted to the idea that I think we are making our weekly collegiate worship events a little too "churchy" in many instances.  That does not mean they ought to be short on gospel or Jesus truth.  I actually think that there ought to be some fun things part of the weekly event sometimes.  I do draw the line on some things, as I remember our student worship band leader throwing up beside the stage after a "fun activity" prior to leading the next song.

If you as the College Minister are up front a lot, why is that?

-Is it because you did not think far enough in advance to prep a student to do it?

-Is it because it just never occurred to you to ask a student to do it?

-Is it because you tried having students do some of it and they bombed miserably?

-Or, how are you training students to lead worship, speak, etc?

Here are some thoughts:

1.  Pick four or five students who you and your leadership team think would do a good job with announcements, prep them with a little "training" and rotate them as the "announcers".

2.  If you speak at your weekly meeting, try having a student be the speaker once a month.

3.  If there are not any students that could really speak, what about having a monthly "Tell Your Story Night" where three or four students would share their "testimony" of God's work in their life?

4.  If there a bunch of talented musicians in your ministry, what about asking four or five of them to each sing, play, or whatever a worship piece for one of your worship events?

In my first posting of this article, I did not state that for the last several years at ASU, I spoke at our weekly large group event, but with a lot of student involvement in different ways.

Is it a negative thing or just I do not particularly like it.  That's up to you to decide about your ministry in your location. Think about it.  Are YOU up front too much?  Why is that?  Or are you just particularly handsome or beautiful and they need to see you all the time?

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).

Monday, March 23, 2020

What Do College Ministers and College Coaches Have in Common?

It would almost seem a rediculous question to ask, "What do College Ministers and college coaches have in common?".  Certainly, not the salaries and public adulation....or maybe sometimes the public criticism.  But, actually I believe there is a great deal in common and things we can learn from college coaches.

1.  Coaching is all about TEACHING athletes to see their strengths and how to utilize those strengths to benefit the team as a whole.  College Ministers must do that every day.  It is the idea understanding spiritual gifts and functioning in community.

2.  RECRUITING is the lifeblood of college coaching.  College Ministers must recruit.  Summers and even Spring for many involves reaching out to new students coming to campus.  I asked a Head College Football Coach who had just been on the job a short time what he had found.  He said, "The talent level is worse than I thought."  There were not student athletes who could do what he needed them to do to be successful.  If you need musicians, are you doing anything specific to reach and connect to musicians?  Or, are you just hoping the Lord will send some your way?

3.  CULTURE is a word lots of coaches use.  The new Women's Basketball Coach at ASU talks about changing the culture.  Culture is "the way of life of groups of people....outlooks, attitudes, values, morals, goals, etc" according to Webster.  Does your ministry have a culture of evangelism, leadership, excellence?  What culture are you trying to instill?

4. A Head Coach is the FACE OF THE PROGRAM.  Whether a College Minister understands it or not, they are the face of that ministry.  People judge the ministry by what they see of the College Minister.  College Ministers must model what they expect from students. College Ministers are the face of the ministry.

5.  Every Head Coach works at installing their SYSTEM.  It is their offense...the way they do things.  There are lots of good and different systems.  But, each successful team understands and works that particular system.  There are different ways to do college ministry right, but each College Minister must have their system which is a result of the campus setting, resources, and their particular strengths and spiritual gifts.  Do you have a system that you are refining and working?

6.  ADJUSTING TO THE TALENT is part of being a successful coach.  Different years students have different particular talents.  When a passing quarterback is injured and the coach must put in one that is not a great passer, they adjust what they run.  In college ministry, there will be years that there are students who have particular strengths; are those being utilized?

7.  The Head Coach ORGANIZES AND LEADS THE STAFF so they are all on the same page.  A College Minister staff might be an Administrative Assistant, a one year intern, a multiple staff or some volunteers.  But, the College Minister is responsible for leading and helping the staff succeed.

Did you see this headline the other day, "College Minister Signs Multi-Year Million Dollar Contract"?  Maybe not, maybe your story is like mine, I came from a smaller campus and a smaller ministry to ASU to work a lot harder and I got a $5.00 a month raise from what I had been making. But, other than that difference, we can learn a lot from college coaches!

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and is the author of five books on college ministry.  His book, "Doing College Ministry Better" is on sale this week for 99 cents in eBook at (type in the title or Arliss Dickerson).

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Full Time BCM College Minister Sought

WANTED:  Baptist Campus Ministry Director for University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg to work with and develop students to transform the campus with the gospel and love of Jesus.

 Seeking a full time person to give leadership and direction to the ministry on the campus of UCM.  Masters degree from a Baptist seminary preferred.

The University of Central Missouri is a campus of 14,000 students from 49 states and 59 countries.

Send resumes to Dr. Greg Fine at

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry in eBook and print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).

Monday, March 16, 2020

Self Evaluation and Other Things During This Most Unusual Time in College Ministry

As many campuses are shut down due to the health crisis, many are trying some on-line small groups and even live streaming a Bible study or worship event.  Yet, with many experiencing a time of "empty campus", it is a time of introspection and personal evaluation.  I want to re-examine some of the "College Minister Types".  I am all about different type of College Ministers simply because there is more than one way to do it right.

Here is a quick look at some types:

THE PERSONALITY - This is the one most people hiring think they are needing.  This is the gifted speaker with the charismatic personality.  They instantly draw a crowd.  Most of us do not fit this category.  One easy mistake is trying to be this personality, when we are not.

THE CEO - The CEO is your Type A personality who is firmly in charge who is usually an organizer and promoter.

THE MANAGER -  The Manager is different from the CEO in that he/she tends to be much more behind the scenes.  The strength of their ministry is stability.

THE PASTOR -  Often this College Minister has been a pastor and operates a bit more formally in their relationship to students.

THE PEER - Or as some tag it, "The Hang Out Minister".  This style is done in more one to one relationships with an emphasis on community building.

THE COUNSELOR - Many students have issues with parents and self-awareness and this College Minister thrives in one to one counseling and helping students make personal decisions.

THE TECHIE -  Usually a young College Minister who is on all types of social media and uses it as a main force in driving their ministry.

Usually, I ask WHICH ONE ARE YOU?  But, today the question is, "WHICH ONE IS YOUR TOTAL OPPOSITE?

If each of these are valid ministry models, then which one is opposite your style AND what should you learn from that style or personality?  Be who you are, but be willing to develop in an area that has not been a strength and may add a dimension to your ministry.


-Connect with another Campus Minister for mutual encouragement and sharing of ideas during this very different time.  Check out the weekly Zoom Conference being done

-Be aware of students who may not be able to go home due to home or work, or whatever and encourage them individually.

-Do some extra reading during this time.  What are some topics you need to bone up on?

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).  Coming this summer:  "ALMOST Everything About College Ministry".

Thursday, March 12, 2020

To Cancel or Not to Cancel Your Collegiate Events?

A discussion that many college ministries are having is simply, "If the school cancels the rest of the semester or suspends for a period of time, should we do the same?".

Some say they will simply move off campus and continue to meet because many of their students will be around.  Others say they will cancel events, if the school suspends or cancels.  Which should you do?  I lean toward the idea of doing what the school does.  If the idea of cancelling or suspending is to reduce gatherings, then if a ministry continues to meet, is it endangering its students?

One argument some are making for continuing to hold events is that, one advisory that has been given is people should not be in gatherings larger than two hundred fifty (250) and the majority of college ministry large group events would fall into that smaller category.

Let's think both as a parent and on the legal side.  Obviously, we want and need parental trust in what we do.  Do parents perceive that we are not functioning for the benefit of their son or daughter, if we do other than what the school is doing?  Secondly, if the school cancels or suspends all events and our ministry continues to operate and a student gets sick, have we opened ourselves up to legal action that we acted irresponsibly?

I think there are tough calls to be made here and I do not make a recommendation.  But, I would simply say again that I lean toward the idea of doing what the school does.  As always on this difficult topic, I welcome your input and totally different viewpoints.  You can also check my previous blog posts concerning alternative ministry options.

You can send me information at or 870.761.2235.  Or, please feel free to post at the bottom of this blog for any and all to see.

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook or print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Tech Helps for On-Line College Ministry

As more colleges and universities either tell students not to return after Spring Break or are taking a two week pause, all of us in college ministry must continue to consider our options and prepare for the possibility of seeing our semester end weeks earlier than anticipated.  While some of us are very tech wise, this is a new world for others.  As I have also said, the silver lining in this first ever discussion, may be some thoughts and ideas of working with those college students who go to college all on line.

Following are some suggestions from a former student of mine, Tyler Isbell, who works in the tech world.


1.  Zoom -- Hereis a blog post & video on how to use Zoom to set up a meeting

2.  WebEx - Another  product similar to Zoom.  We use the paid version of this at work, but here are the specs on the free version:


Google Doc/Hyperdoc --
Hyperdocs are documents that contain (or link to) interactive elements, videos, reading materials, etc.  What if a weekly Bible study was a collection of YouTube videos (curated or created by the owner), links to verses in the Bible and commentary/blog posts about the verses, prompts for prayer/reflection, and an accompanied form to collect ideas, concerns, likes, wonders, prayer requests, etc?  Hyperdocs could also be a collection of resources for certain topics (This is what I have done to help my institution prepare for COVID-19---I've made three Hyperdocs to prepare faculty to move their stuff online!).  It could be a playlist of songs, podcasts, or videos for worship, study or relaxation


1.  A share Google Doc/Sheet/Form can help coordinae volunteers or resources for a project or need, or create an agenda or lesson plan for an upcominng talk, Bible study, or teaching.  Editors of the doc can meet "virtually" within the doc and see each other's changes live as they are made.  No need to wait and pass along the doc through the mail.

2.  Take Them a Meal:

3.  Meal Train:

Just a few ideas/tools I know of off the top of my head!

In Christ,

Please help keep this conversation going by sending your thoughts, questions ideas to me, posting them on line or using Collegiate Collective.  My email is or 870.761.2235.

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and is the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

More Thoughts If Your Campus Cancels Class

Vanderbilt, Rice, and other schools announced yesterday that they would not continue on campus classes following Spring Break due to the virus outbreak.  University of Florida announced that all classes will be on line until further notice.  There are others out there cancelling and lots of rumors for sure.  I am grateful to those who have shared suggestions, questions and concerns for college ministry.

Here are some of the suggestions, issues raised:

Paul Worcester says, "We run online discipleship groups every summer.  We read a book together, memorize verses and get get together via google+video."

Brenda Sanders says, "Think about the International students that cannot go home.  Think of ways you can reach out to them.  Deliver meals, listen to their fears, share video links to videos that might open up gospel conversations."

Tiffany Atkins Hudson added, "For starters, it's looking like rides to the airport will be an immediate need."

Blake Brewer says, "Maybe get all of your students in a FB group or use might networks for an online community."

Mike Nuss says, "We're hearing reports of med/nursing students being told not to come back to campus, if they leave for break---this is the tip of the iceberg.  Overreach or over reacting?  Perhaps, but its our world and we have to find ways to each and minister to students in it!  We're adjusting and doing "in-state" spring break trips.  International summer mission assignments being reassigned to North America, etc.

Please continue to contribute to this conversation with questions, suggestions, ideas, etc.  In addition to posting comments here, you can text or email me, 870.761.2235 or

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).

Monday, March 9, 2020

Could YOU Do College Ministry on Line?

Princeton University just announced that their students were NOT to come back to campus from Spring Break due to the Coronavirus outbreak.  If your campus were to make this announcement, are you done for this school year?

Or, are there things you would and could do on line?

Would it be possible to do a Bible study group using Zoom or GlobalMeet or some such tech option to discuss, teach and see everybody?

Could you have your worship event without an audience and live stream it or do it on Facebook Live?  Would you have a band or just you or a guest speaker speaking?

What about a Discussion Page where you would post something and have it up for discussion and comments over the next few days?

Could you send out a Bible study and then have a foloow-up session on line to discuss the material?

Could you have small group Bible studies that met in different cities with leaders you have recruited and send them the material and each week you do a planning training session with the leaders prior to that week's material?

Many of you are MUCH MORE tech savvy than I am.  What are options?  Please comment on the Blog or send them to me individually.  One possible outcome to this even if we do not need for this health crisis is some thoughts for having a ministry with those students who go to college totally on line.  Last year 5.4 million students took at least one class on line.  Some took only one class but others are doing college from their bedroom.

Ok; think about it.  What would you do if your college campus were to send everyone home?

Email me at or text me at 870.761.2235, or just call me.

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five college ministry books eBook and print at (type in Arliss Dickerson).

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Is There a CHANGE Your Ministry Should Consider???

Every year about this time I pose this question.....Is there a change your ministry should consider AND try out?

Spring Break is not far off and after it, the days of the semester disappear quickly and students are less with you every day following Spring Break.  As every College Minister tries to assess and evaluate their ministry, there is often the thought of "Should we try this?".  It may be to move the weekly large group event to a different time, or a different night.  Or, could it be that it should move to a different place?  Should we try one time having our Lunch Program outside as an outreach event or even do it on some regular basis?

I submit that time between Spring Break and the end of the semester is the time to try that new idea or that bold change.  Give it one try.  You may know then that it is crazy and you will be done with those thoughts.  Or, you might see that it really will work.  Or, third option might be that it will help you have an even better idea. 

Some ministries change their schedule in the fall and try it for the first time.  Oh that is scary!  The fall is so strategic and what happens those first two or three weeks determines the ministry for the whole school year.  No one wants to be in Fall Week Three saying, "This was a terrible idea!".

Some wise person has said at some point, "Most decisions and actions have some unintended consequences.".  Often, we cannot know what those are until we have done it.  But, a one time sample just might give us an accurate preview of the end result.

So, here are questions to consider:

Is there a better time for our weekly meeting....7:00 instead of 6:00; 9:00 instead of 7:00, etc?

Is there a better night for our weekly meeting?

Is there a better or different place to meet that would work better?

Should our Leadership Team meet at a different time?

Should you try a whole different format for your weekly event?

You get the idea.  Think boldly.  Think strategically.......BUT THINK WISELY!

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Send a Birthday Card to Milt Hughes for His 90th Birthday!

Milt Hughes turns 90 March 11th and is still doing college ministry!

Milt was on the National Collegiate Ministries staff at Lifeway for many years and developed the Share Seminar and Spiritual Journey Notebook that was used all over the country.  Anybody that went to BSU in the 70's and 80's either heard Milt speak or were influenced by the discipleship materials that he developed.  BSU ministries all over the country did Share Seminars on a regular basis.

Milt lives in San Marcos, California now with his second wife, Ruth. His wife, Gladys, passed away several years ago. He and Ruth have a ministry with International Students at Cal State, San Marcos and have 30 to 50 in their home every Friday night.  Milt drives out to campus to pick them up in the ministry van each week.

Milt was very influential in my ministry starting out at Henderson State University in the 70's.  I selected my Life Verse (2 Timothy 2:2) as a result of his Share Seminar.  Untold hundreds of students have come to Christ and been discipled as a result of Milt's ministry.

Please send him a birthday card and encourage others....even folks that may have never heard of send him a birthday card.

Also, their ministry operates on a very minimal budget.  A one time gift or continuing gift to their ministry could be made by going to https:/, select the pulldown and click on Priority Christian Challenge. Or, a check can be sent to PIDW-Priority Ministry, P. O. Box 65303, Lubbock, TX 79464.  This is a tax deductible gift.

Send Birthday Cards to:
Milt Hughes
697 Shenandoah Avenue.
San Marcos, California 92078

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and the author of five books on college ministry in print and eBook  at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).

Monday, March 2, 2020

"Developing Development In College Ministry" by Darrell Cook

Taking Baby Steps and Big Steps to Invite Generous Partners into Your Mission to the Campus

1.  Develop ATTITUDES  that develop connections between you, alumni and friends, and current ministry.
-Be curious about the history of your school and ministry.
-Be generous (to students - small scholarships & tell the source)
-Be grateful and make that gratitude contagious with your students.
-Be prepared to pass the baton ("Your vision should outlast your tenure." David James).
-Be a planter.

Where do you fall?
"If given $50,000, would you lean toward hoard it or now is the time to spend it all?
"I can ask anyone for anything or asking scares me to death?

2.  Understand common EMPHASES of development professionals:
-Raising support begins with clearly knowing and communicating the purpose of your ministry and calling of your life.
-Right now there are people who believe in what you are doing and these people would give to meet needs and fill gaps, if they knew about those needs and gaps.
-Few people give money because of publicity, but fewer give without it.
-Do an annual ask (like a case statement or campaign) because this creates the habit of giving.
-Your most likely donor candidates are those who have given before.
-Commemorate and celebrate people, history, and milestones.

3.  Develop ACTIONS  that engage givers with opportunities to invest in what you are doing.
-Visit, find a connection in the alumni office of your university.
-Do Detective work to find alumni (asking past staff and alumni).
-Alumni and friends newsletters
-Identify past givers.
-Google map alumni, plan individual (or group) alumni visits.
-Identify upcoming needs and a "dream big" list.
-Develop a giving invite for 2020.
-Identify, enlist "champions of your cause" (possibly advisory board, Matrix, etc).
-Plan reunions - by class, region, sports, big events for anniversaries.
-Website - add giving option, "gift test" your site.
-Build, update your database - noting givers.
-Cultivate monthly givers (How can I help?/Direct ask).
-Thank you's.
-Parent letters

Adapted from a presentation by Darrell Cook, Baptist Campus Minister at Virginia Tech, to the Arkansas Baptist Collegiate Ministers on January 26th.  Virginia Baptist Convention Campus Ministers must now raise a portion of their salaries.

Arliss Dickerson is a part time college ministry consultant for Lifeway Christian Resources and is the author of five books on college ministry available in eBook and print at (Type in Arliss Dickerson).